The Honeymoon Phase 2019 Dark Sky Films

The Honeymoon Phase, A Psychological Thriller

A psychological horror-thriller movie, The Honeymoon Phase wants to ponder whether the honeymoon phase can last or be controlled.

Released on September 29, 2020, this psychological horror and thriller film is an exploration of human psychology. “The Honeymoon Phase” delves into the story of Tom and Eve, a couple who willingly participate in a mysterious experiment in exchange for a sum of money. Despite not being married, they concoct a plan to deceive the organizers and successfully become eligible. As the plot unfolds, the movie poses thought-provoking questions about the lasting nature of intense love and the potential consequences of delving into the unknown.

It’s interesting to observe the dynamic between Tom and Eve as a single person. They seem to portray one of those affectionate couples that others might consider “too much.” Their displays of affection are so excessive that if a cartoon bluebird had flown by, it wouldn’t have surprised me. As someone who has never experienced that level of lovey-dovey behavior firsthand, I can’t help but feel a bit repelled by it. However, let’s not get too sidetracked. It’s undeniable that Tom and Eve truly embody The Honeymoon Phase that is often expected in a relationship.

Does the Honeymoon Phase Last?

The audience is introduced to the facility director. For all intents and purposes, the only way Mother of Movies can describe him is as the “Willy Wonka” of love. Combined with the effervescent flute score at the beginning of The Honeymoon Phase, Willy wants to know what makes the buzz fade in a relationship. Where does that initial spark go and what makes it leave? Just how are we affected by The Honeymoon Phase and what can we learn from testing its boundaries?

Prior to placement, the applicants sit through questionnaires. Tom is asked what he loves about Eve. “Everything,” he replies as triumphant music sounds off. In return for completing the live human trial, each couple will receive $ 50,000. All they have to do is cohabitate at the research facility housing for one month. Meanwhile, everything they do is scrutinized and studied.

Eve and Tom find immense comfort and joy in their vibrant surroundings. The two embrace the modern marvels of their high-tech living space. They cherish the freedom of effortlessly ordering whatever brings them delight. They savor intimate moments together and relish in the simple pleasures of life. Within the unique quadrants they inhabit, it feels as though time itself dances to a different rhythm. Amidst this enchanting tapestry, their trusted guide, much like the iconic Princess Leia of Star Wars, appears before them to offer guidance.

The Honeymoon Phase Francois Chau
The Honeymoon Phase Francois Chau

The Honeymoon Phase”: A Promising Directorial Debut

Phillip G. Carroll Jr. makes an impressive directorial debut with “The Honeymoon Phase,” both as a writer and a creator of a feature-length film. The film’s ambitious storyline offers an intriguing premise. However, it is important to note that, in my opinion, some unexplained timeline plotholes remain unresolved throughout the movie. Despite this, the performances, although occasionally seeming a bit unnatural, align well with the overall oddness and intensity of the narrative.

As a viewer, I often yearn for storylines to push boundaries and explore uncharted territories. In this regard, “The Honeymoon Phase” manages to deliver some compelling moments within its narrative. It may not have the smoothest execution or seamlessly connected experiences, but beneath the surface lies a promising foundation for growth and improvement.

The Honeymoon Phase is rated

3 I’ve never seen a curling wand used for that out of 5

Mother of Movies score

The Honeymoon Phase Movie Trailer

Looking for more human experiment movies like The Honeymoon Phase? Watch Here Before | Unhuman | Redd Inc. | The Belko Experiment (In horror movie list.) For another review about The Honeymoon Phase read from the “Eye For Film” website.

The Honeymoon Phase has a runtime of 88-minutes.
Written and Directed By PHILLIP G. CARROLL Jr.

Dark Sky Films picked up The Honeymoon Phase movie after its premiere at Frightfest in the U.K.

Tom: JIM SCHUBIN (Boardwalk Empire.)
Eve: CHLOE CARROLL (Feature film debut.)
Cast for The Honeymoon Phase includes FRANÇOIS CHAU (Lost & The Expanse) and TARA WESTWOOD (The Grudge, 2019.)