Brothers Nest 2018

In a life-imitating art type of scenario, the leading men play brothers while actually being brothers. Clayton and Shane Jacobson have such great chemistry onscreen, that it’s easy to see why they chose to star in Brothers’ Nest together. Clayton Jacobson is the director of the movie and does a fine job of it too. This is not Jacobson’s first feature film as director and it shows. Brothers’ Nest is not the Jacobson brothers’ first movie together either. The pair previously starred in a cult hit favorite called Kenny (2006) a comedy about porta-loos. Yes, it’s a comedy movie about a man who cleans the toilets. Kenny is a classic here in Australia and for good reason too. The Brothers’ Nest movie is also a comedy but it’s the type that relies on comedic relief when everything else thematically is quite dark.

If you weren’t aware, Mother of Movies is Australian. While working for MovieHooker and covering the Fantasia Film Festival in 2018, not only did I get to watch this amazing Australian indie thriller movie, I secured a one-on-one interview with the very awesome Clayton Jacobson. Brothers’ Nest is fantastic, dark, and completely worth your time.

What’s Brothers Nest About?

  • The story follows Terry and Jeff. They plan a murder. A well-planned murder is easy. A badly executed killing spree is a lot of bother.
  • Genres: Black Comedy | Crime Thriller | AUSTRALIAN MOVIE

Brothers’ Nest Trailer

Australian thriller movies Brothers Nest 2018
Australian thriller movies Brothers Nest 2018

Where Was The Movie Filmed?

Brothers’ Nest 2018 was filmed in Victoria, Australia in two areas called Bungal and Ballan. Both towns are within 50 minutes of each other. Bungal is a forest area and Ballan is where the town is.

  • Directed by: Clayton Jacobson Written by: Jaime Browne.
  • The title was originally screened at the Fantasia Film Festival.
  • Budget: $1.9 million.
  • Brothers’ Nest cast includes these talented people: Shane Jacobson (That’s Not My Dog 2018), Clayton Jacobson (Upgrade 2018), Kim Gyngell (The Little Death 2014), Lynette Curran (These Final Hours 2013), and, Sarah Snook (Predestination 2014.)

The Jacobson Brothers

Terry and Jeff are not only brothers they’re the best competitors. The boys in Brothers’ Nest have a complicated family dynamic but they also have a stepfather who is very much in the way. Played by Kym Gyngell as Rodger as their step-dad the two decide the world would be a better place if Roger was 6-feet under. On a particularly cold morning in Victoria, Jeff and Terry arrive to carry out their master plan of murdering Roger.

More than just a hidden gem, Brothers’ Nest carries performances by many Australian acting staples. The thriller film with horror elements is a slow burn. The thought process and details that Terry and Jeff undertake are humorous in a macabre way. They set up the tension and create the atmosphere for the chaos that befalls the situation in the latter half. The details are hard to stomach. The brothers are not nice people. They are in fact horrible. But that’s what makes them so darn interesting and hard to look away from.

Less of a car accident and more likely similar to a narcissist you might have dated that one time. You want to leave, but sometimes it’s easier to stay. The Brothers’ Nest movie is well worth the slow burn as it forces the sibling rivalry down your throat. You want them to fail. It’s all part of the journey.

Brothers’ Nest Cast

Kim Gyngell brilliantly portrays the character of Roger, the stepfather who enters the brothers’ family after their father’s tragic demise. Despite being known as a renowned comedian in Australia, Gyngell showcases his exceptional versatility by flawlessly embodying this unsavory role. The entire cast is meticulously chosen to align with the sinister essence of the narrative, creating a captivating web of intrigue and suspense.

Intermittent violins usually reserved for sketch scenes in erroneous scary movies help the situational dread along.

The resulting payoff at the end of Brothers’ Nest is worth the journey. The story is unique and the Australian accent is alive and well in this Australian film.

“All I wanted was a quiet place to come and eat some of Aunty Shirls ginger fluff cake.”

Quote from Brothers’ Nest

Low budget, high-quality tense, and thrilling Australian cinema.

I give Brothers’ Nest  

4.5 antique radios in the bathtub out of 5.

Mother of Movies score
4.5 Skulls out of 5
4.5 Skulls out of 5

Where to Watch Brothers’ Nest

In Australia, Brothers’ Nest is streaming free with a subscription to Stan. In other countries, you can watch the title on AppleTV. For more options to watch Bothers’ Nest, see the link below.