Come True Poster courtesy of Copperheart Entertainment & IFC Midnight

Come True Movie Gets Its Cronenberg On

Come True movie review & trailer. Directed by Anthony Scott Burns. A science fiction & horror moviethat gets all Cronenberg about your dreams.

The Come True film takes on the sleep experiment landscape with a wishy-washy brush. All the components are there to make this a solid entry for lovers of nightmarish tales. What’s more, the Come True movie has some pretty strong Cronenberg influences. The finale is where many lose the plot over where the initial story was aiming for. For what it’s worth, I liked the ending.

The story (written by Daniel Weissenberger) takes a runaway teen and slams her into an opportunity to make some cash via a sleep study. With a two-birds and one-stone attitude, Sarah gets a bed to sleep in and, money in her pocket and is more than enthusiastic to participate. She quickly concludes, however, that something is amiss when she begins having not-so-pleasant side effects.

Anthony Scott Burns’ science fiction and horror story, Come True, is dividing audiences. Applauded for its Cronenberg nightmare monsters and regaled for its climax. The movie premiered at the Fantasia Film Festival in August and has since been on the festival circuit with mixed reviews. Come True was the closing film for the 2020 virtual Blood in the Snow Film Festival. The dark and beautiful film got picked up by IFC Midnight and Raven Banner Entertainment. It aired on November 7th on the Super Channel, in Canada.

Come True from the makers who did Ginger Snaps
From the makers who did Ginger Snaps

There is a lot of dark visceral imagery as cameras swoop through what is supposedly inside Sara’s dreams. A small lab full of scientists has discovered a way to watch from backstage and into the land of nod using small monitors and the standard skull cap full of wires. Sarah isn’t the only person in the study, there are a bunch of other people who lay in beds all dressed in white. And they all see the same shadowy figure with glowing eyes.

Films like Come True don’t aim to scare you senseless. Instead, they douse you with frightening and unsettling scenes that stay with you long after the film is over. Similarly to Burns’s directorial debut film, Our House, this title wants you to immerse in the thought of being scared of something you can’t see. In this case, he allows you to partake in a shadowy, never-clear picture of what it is you could see if you could see it.

For another sleep experiment movie, watch The Sleep Experiment | The Immaculate Room | Double Blind, Another Sleep Experiment Movie | Sleep 2024

The Come True Ending

What pushed Mother of Movies over the line between not liking Come True and wanting to watch it again is the finale. It’s in the horror films’ final moments that take it to another level, not the other way around. The relationship between Jeremy and Sarah takes on a whole new meaning if you take the final shot into account. I’m being vague so as not to spoil the film. See it and make up your own mind about the ending but I’d love to hear your thoughts. Join me on the Mother of Movies Facebook page for debate.

Come True is rated

4 Stranger things have happened in the forests out of 5

4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5

Come True Trailer

Movies With A Cronenberg Vibe

If you want to watch the movie from the comfort of home, check the link below for where to watch in your region courtesy of

Come True 2020 First Look Images from Anthony Scott Burns. Movies with Cronenberg monsters.
Anthony Scott Burns has Cronenberg influences

Mother of Movies acquired the movie Come True as part of the press for the BITS Film Festival, the best in Canadian terror and horror films. The film was released and distributed by IFC Midnight in March 2021.

  • Director: Anthony Scott Burns.
  • Writers: Screenplay by Anthony Scott Burns, Story by Daniel Weissenberger.
  • Cast: Landon Liboiron, Julia Sarah Stone, Skylar Radzion, Tiffany Helm, Tedra Rodgers, and Christopher Heatherington.
  • The memorable movie gem was released to the internet in March 2021. The film is streaming on Hulu in the USA as well as several other platforms with a subscription.
Come True
COME TRUE e1604225467737

Director: Anthony Scott Burns

Date Created: 2020-08-30 18:47

Editor's Rating: