The Straight Edge Kegger movie is a low-budget independent horror. Its creator is writer-director Jason Zink. Together with his partner Shelby Barbee, they own the production house, Weird on Top Pictures. The film is about an extreme straight-edge group run by a cult-like leader, James. This punk rock music-fueled movie dropped onto the Shudder platform in 2021. I want to know why some reviewers are upset and cite a misrepresentation of the straight-edge lifestyle. The Straight Edge Kegger movie is a horror movie after all.
Mother of Movies likes realism, sure. However, I also like engaging characters and a well-written story. If a horror movie also combines excellent performances into its creative recipe, it’s like gravy on a well-executed chunk of movie meat. In horror movies particularly, I’m not as convinced the lifestyle of the typecast needs to be geared towards representing their grassroots. If you want realism, there are plenty of documentaries to watch.
What Is Straight Edge Lifestyle?
The story takes a simple stance. It briefly explains through Brad a little about what a straight-edge lifestyle means to him. It takes time to announce that for Brad, it was about being part of a group that created a safe space for people. Combining this concept with a militant group who just has to take their beliefs too far and you have the solid premise for a slasher movie of this type. Kegger also makes sure that the message it’s sending is that;
“People should be allowed to live their lives the way they want to.”
Quote from the movie Straight Edge Kegger 2020
Straight Edge Kegger includes the following cast: Cory Kays, Evey Reidy, Julio Alexander, Sean Jones, Jason Zink, Warren Aitken, Travis Manners & Joe Bachen.
Straight Edge Kegger Slasher and Horror Movie Review
As for the film, if you enjoy a hectic punk rock music score and some rampant violence, there is plenty on offer. Like many slasher movies before it, James’ order that he and his masked group follow Brad to a party and then take out everyone inside is not based on more than a mere slight from Brad. The first half plods along like a Sunday driver. The dialogue is on the lofty side and some of it feels like being thumped over the head with good intentions, but all that is forgotten once the carnage starts.
The transition between the before and after is poorly executed. One minute Brad is anti-anything involving alcohol. Suddenly after picking up the wrong glass containing vodka and orange juice, he’s catapulted into a night of shots and drunken shenanigans. With so much time spent setting Brad’s character up, his change of heart came as a little jarring.
Straight Edge Kegger is a Punk Rock Version of The Strangers
Performances from Cory Kays and Julio Alexander who play Brad and James respectively are solid and engaging. James may not represent a straight-edge lifestyle with the realism required of those within the subculture, but he plays a good villain. Alongside the masks and the extreme behavior to punish those they deem worthy, the whole thing feels like a punk version of The Strangers.
The cinematography is utilized well and the set aesthetics are great. Effects are markedly great for a low-budget affair. Most of the onscreen violence is surprisingly pulled away at the last minute. Those looking for gratuitous kills en masse might be disappointed. What we do see though, is creative and quite gruesome.
With attention to the film as a whole, was I a massive fan of Straight Edge Kegger? Sadly no, but slasher fans will get a dose of a few things they like. Especially if you like punk rock music in your movies.
I give Straight Edge Kegger
2 It’s not about the lifestyle that preceded the horror movie out of 5
Here’s a great article on “The Inside Story of Straight Edge Kegger” by Decibel Magazine.

The Straight Edge Kegger movie trailer gives you a glimpse of the film. Full of grit, rock, and grunge, and plenty of the atmosphere seen in the full movie.

Straight Edge Kegger 2019 - A Slasher Movie With Punk Rock

Director: Jason Zink
Date Created: 2019-03-16 19:12
- The title is like a punk version of The Strangers
- It's a slasher horror movie
- Special effects are gruesome and well executed
- The character arcs are inconsistent
- Dialogue doesn't flow naturally