Released in 2021, Shook is a social media-centric slasher film from Squid Farm Productions. Premiering on Shudder, the movie by writer-director Jennifer Harrington attempts to blend modern technology, influencer culture, and gruesome horror into an 89-minute thriller. While the premise is cool and modern, the execution leaves much to be desired.
Table of Contents
A Modern Premise with Familiar Horror Tropes
The film follows Mia, a social media influencer tasked with babysitting her sister’s dog. Alone in a house outfitted with Alexa technology, Mia becomes the target of a sadistic puppet master. This psychopath manipulates her through phone calls and online chats, forcing her into a series of harrowing choices: save her friends, her sister, or even the dog. As the night unfolds, Mia faces one impossible decision after another, each more brutal than the last.
The setup feels reminiscent of Saw-like punishment scenarios, but instead of creating tension, the film stumbles into predictability. As Mia navigates her choices, her friends, superficial influencers, begin to meet grisly ends. Despite a few moments of suspense, the shallow character development and overreliance on familiar horror tropes make it hard to care about the outcome.
Shook Will Try and Shake You
While Shook initially promises a chilling exploration of social media’s dark side, it quickly devolves into an underwhelming numbers game. The Alexa-driven house offers some tech-savvy scares, but repeated commands to turn the lights back on grow tiresome. The anonymous antagonist watching from across the street feels more clichéd than creepy, and the big reveal in the film’s final quarter stretches believability beyond its limits.
The most compelling aspect is Mia’s moral dilemmas. The choices she faces, between loved ones, her friends, and the dog, have the potential for emotional weight. Unfortunately, the execution falls flat. Even the gore, which might appeal to fans of Saw-style horror, doesn’t pack enough punch to compensate for the lack of tension.
Final Thoughts: Shook Struggles to Stand Out
Fans of punishment-driven horror might find some enjoyment in Shook’s graphic violence and moral dilemmas. However, for viewers seeking emotional investment or innovative scares, the film falls short. The characters are shallow. The antagonist is clichéd. The narrative tension is lacking, making this one a forgettable entry in the social media horror subgenre.
Rating: 2.5 “Find out if the dog dies in the spoiler section below” out of 5.
A concept with potential that ultimately fails to deliver.
There are lots of other films like Shook that involve influencer culture and technology. Mother of Movies recommends Followers | Short films Alive and Tingle Monsters | Clickbait TV Series | Stream 2024.
Cast & Release Details
- Starring Daisye Tutor (Guest House), Emily Goss (Snapshots), and Nicola Posener (The Bold and the Beautiful). And also Octavius J. Johnson (Sleepless), Stephanie Simbari (Here and Now), Grant Rosenmeyer (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), and real-life make-up and social media influencer Genelle Seldon.
- Shook features tracks from Johnny Jewel’s cult hit bands Chromatics, Symmetry, and Glass Candy.
- You can also watch Shook via the Shudder within the AMC+ bundle where available.
“Shook delivers a horror premise that taps into the modern fears of social media and technology, offering moments of suspense and moral dilemmas.”
Red-Band Trailer
Where to Watch Shook
You can watch Shook horror movie streaming on the Shudder platform. For more options on where to watch this film see the link below.
The Shook movie is now streaming on:
Does the Dog Die? (Spoiler Section)
SPOILER SECTION – Does the Dog die in the Shook movie?
Does the Dog Die in Shook 2021?
They will make you think choices were made and little Cheeko is deceased. But it’s all a ruse and he’s alive!