The Tunnel 'Tunnellen' directed by Pål Øie

I love disaster films and “The Tunnel 2019” (Original title Tunnelen) is cast with Vikings star Thorbjørn Harr as one of the rescuers. If that’s not a good reason to watch a Norwegian disaster and thriller movie then I don’t know what is. The story involves a simple narrative where a fuel tanker has an accident along the main route in and out of a small town. As accident crews take their positions and attempt to figure out, where, who, and how many people are trapped inside the tunnel a fire breaks out. The darkened tunnel, filled with traffic begins to cause chaos as deadly smoke consumes the space.

Characters in The Tunnel 2019 are nicely fleshed out. Central family members are all caught in their own drama paving the way for personal sacrifice and heroic moments later on. Other key scenes woven into the rescue attempt also allow for pivotal tension to mount the longer the people are trapped inside. As they look for a way out they must battle low visibility and avoid smoke inhalation.

Mother of Movies had a short dig around for evidence of The Tunnel relating to a real event. I could not find evidence that the events in this title were based on real events. But, I did find a news story about a truck carrying 16, 500 liters of fuel crashed in the same tunnel in 2015. In this instance, however, only emergency personnel were treated for smoke inhalation and the driver was unhurt.

The Tunnel 2019 Watch the Full Movie Trailer

Could This Happen In Real Life?

Pål Øie, the director, did insert a message at the start of the movie that seems to imply he is concerned a narrative like this is only a matter of time.

It’s in films of this type that the setting and cinematography take a front seat. Especially when black billowing smoke rises against beautiful snowy mountainsides. It certainly sets the perfect frame for a disaster movie and Øie utilizes this well. At times The Tunnel resorts to a little too much chatter at times which slows down a lot of the grittier tension built up in the first quarter of the movie.

Fortunately, the dialogue allows for moralistic tones to be added as small reminders about how lucky we are to have the people we love with us. Overall, fans of well-filmed disaster-themed stories will enjoy The Tunnel disaster movie. Cast members are highly suited to the grim nature of the production.

The Tunnel (Tunnelen) movie is rated

3.75 Jarls Borg tackles emergency services instead of swords out of 5

  • Directed by Pål Øie (ASTRUP – Flammen over Jølster)
  • Written by Kjersti Helen Rasmussen
  • The Tunnel cast includesThorbjørn Harr, Ylva Fuglerud, Lisa Carlehed, Mikkel Bratt Silset and Peter Førde.
  • The Tunnel was acquired as a screener for review purposes. The film is out now on VOD and DVD.
  • Best disaster movies: The Wave / The Decline / 5 Acton Movies About Escaping / Love and Monsters / Skylines
  • Facebook: RialtoDistributionAU
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The Tunnel 2019 (Tunnelen)
The Tunnel ‘Tunnellen’ directed by Pål Øie
The Tunnel 2019
The Tunnel 2020 Tunnellen Disaster Movie from Norway

Director: Pål Øie

Date Created: 2019-12-25 21:07

Editor's Rating:


  • Disaster film with well known Norwegian cast
  • Well written characters
  • Gritty tension


  • Little slow at times