Soul to Keep film 2018 review soul to keep

American Sign Language or ASL is rare in film. Most of the cast had a lot of ASL learning to make this film possible. This movie does contain some ASL signs from many characters. Soul to Keep is an independent feature film and an interesting one at that. Directors David Allensworth and Moniere got the idea for this film from a horror-comedy script called ‘I Eat Your Soul.’ They loved it so much, that they put all of its ingredients into a film about a demon called Beelzebub. Beelzebub is super keen on consuming as many souls as possible.

Soul to Keep Contains ASL Signs

I’ve seen films that have deaf people in them. Hush (2016), for example, prominently features the lead role as someone who is deaf. A Quiet Place (2018) also features a character who is deaf. ASL in this film definitely shows some moments that shine. Soul to Keep is something else though. This is a film that made me feel like I was watching a movie with subtitles on. I have small children, and I watch movies in English from time to time with the subs on. It’s great for when the kids (or any rampant yap-yap) won’t shut up because I still know what’s going on.

Nearly all the scenes in this film, contain characters conversing in sign language while speaking. On top of that, there are added yellow subtitles so that the hearer still knows what’s being said when just a sign is being used. Also, it is strangely refreshing to see how those who are hard of hearing still use sign language as an inherent form of communication, especially at a time when technological advancements like hearing aids.

The Cinematography

According to production notes, a deaf interpreter made sure that the parts of this film with sign language could be understood by a deaf person. The intention was for the film to be enjoyed by both the hearing and the deaf. Despite efforts that should be applauded in this regard, the movie fell a little flat for me. Not because of the sign language or the subtitles but due to the story and the camera work.

I’m not usually someone who pays attention to cinematography in films unless it’s overly stunning or overtly lacking. I’m sorry to say that firstly I was annoyed that some scenes looked like someone picked the camera up off the ground and walked backward with it. Secondly, a lot of the rest felt like I was watching a found footage film. Maybe this was intended to give a more personalized feeling, but it didn’t grow on me. One character Freddy played by Craig Fogel does some impromptu mobile phone filming. This was all fine but for the rest of the movie, I felt like we were still looking through the lens of someone external watching what was happening on screen.

The story itself is disjointed. It simply has no promise of bringing something new to the demon/possession table. There is a lot of sex in this film too. For me, putting too many or ill-timed sex scenes into a horror movie simply gets on my goat (pun intended.) I mean, the girl (Grace, played by Kate Rose Reynolds) goes to town on some hanky-panky. I know it’s because the demon is enjoying the freedom of a new sexy body but I also think this could have been dialed back a little. Some of this time would have been better spent fleshing out the story.

ASL Film Signs | Soul to Keep Film

I spent a good bit of time wondering how such a group would come together. Did Tara, the deaf girl, get her boyfriend to learn sign language? Did the rest of the group follow suit? How long have they been hanging out together to have such a grip on signing and talking?

I did like the ending and the slight twist. The deaths that came before it made me wonder even more about the group dynamic. None of them seemed particularly upset. Even Brandon (Jordan Theodore), who gets an ear bitten off by the demon, happily walks off with Grace when told the danger is gone. It’s like nothing ever happened. They are mostly fledgling cast members though and this would have been a tough gig with so much going on.

I also really liked The Strain nod from the demon itself along with a bit of an Under the Dome entrapment from the spells cast. Overall though, Soul to Keep was a little messy. I’d say younger adults might like this, but there was too much sex for them to be the target audience. It is worth watching just to see that a movie like this has been done. It is one of a kind. Netflix movie, The Silence is a film similar to Soul to Keep that you can watch next, it features deaf people too.

I give Soul to Keep 

2.5 conjuring demons in a triangle with a dead animal might seem like a great way to party but it’s not out of 5

Mother of Movies score

Beelzebub, a demon hellbent on consuming and possessing souls, goes after siblings and their lifelong friends at a rundown country house.

  • Directors: David Allensworth and Moniere,
  • Writers: David Allensworth and Eric Bram,
  • Production: Shady Tree Films and Cineque Pictures,
  • Starring: Sandra Mae Frank, Aurora Heimbach, Kate Rose Reynolds, Tony Spitz, Craig Fogel, Derek Long, Jordan Theodore, Brandon, and Jessie Jordan.

Where to Watch “Soul to Keep” Movie

ASL in Movies – Trailer for Soul to Keep

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Soul to Keep 2018
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