Mother of Movies Entertainment Website.DriverX poster 2017

The DriverX movie is an inspirational movie that came out of 2018’s lineup from IFC Films. This film is fantastic. The beautifully sentimental movie takes you on a journey through the eyes of a middle-aged Leonard. How hard it is to keep your dignity in the modern world. Leonard becomes an Uber driver and everything in this movie is relatable.

The Storyline for Inspirational Movie DriverX

An Uber driver ride-share movie about life and our role in society. A modern and inspirational movie that facilitates a quick role reversal where Leonard is the stay-at-home parent and wants to contribute more to the family unit.

Driver X Movie Review

If you’re a Gen X-er like me then maybe the movie will speak to you too. It certainly captured many of my life moments. So much so, that I can see this as being a film to watch when I’m feeling down. Not because it’s a mood-lifting joyous comedy, but because there is so much truth in it, you’d be hard-pressed not to find some common ground. Generation X encompasses a large demographic and consists of anyone born between the years of mid-1960s to the early 1980s. Why am I talking about Gen X-ers? I figured that DriverX used for the title was chosen to match the storyline.

There are small parts of the narrative that are still ringing in my ears. I found the whole thing to be one of the inspirational movies for 2018. Not once does the film emasculate Leonard. His wife does, but the film doesn’t. Instead, it shines a light on the differences between people when navigating a relationship. For example, Leonard’s wife initiates some soapy fun in the shower and after having seen the rundown of his day while she is at work, his unenthusiastic reply is well and truly justified.

When Leonard and Dawn run into some financial troubles, the ‘easy’ thing to do is for Leonard to get a job right? Anyone who runs a home will well and truly understand the minefield that comes with it. Firstly Leonard has been out of the workforce for some time and somehow it has sped away without him. Secondly, Leonard isn’t someone who wants to work at the local burger joint and feels the jobs he could get for the sake of a buck are the jobs that suck.

Inspirational Movies With Uber Drivers

This whole film epitomizes the struggle of many different annoying points in life and the struggle is real. From the irrelevance of his wife’s work-related issues to the conundrum of what to cook for dinner every day — I loved this film.

Should You See Driver X Movie?

From the score which features some killer music, to the scenery within the city landscape, this film is a must-see. It’s also interesting to know most of the scenarios featured within the Uber-esqe driving experience are more than likely true stories with some details changed to protect the people they’re based on. It’s streaming on Hulu in the USA.

Watch this if you need some inspiration on why life sometimes sucks and know you are not alone. You’re so not alone, they made a whole movie about it. And they did a cracking job with it. Give these guys some money because the team was making a horror film and I want to see it immediately.

I give DriverX

3.5 unleashed lizard brains out of 5

3.5 Skulls out of 5
3.5 Skulls out of 5
Mother of Movies score

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DriverX 2017
Patrick Fabian, Tanya Clarke in DriverX
DriverX Movie Cast, Produced and Release Date
  • Written and directed by Henry Barrial,
  • Produced by Antic Pictures. Studio: IFC Films and Sundance Selects,
  • DriverX cast includes: Patrick Fabian (Better Call Saul), Tanya Clarke (A Beautiful Mind), Desmin Borges (Preacher), Travis Schuldt (Veronica Mars), and Oscar Nunez (The Office,)
  • Released: First premiered in 2017 at Tacoma Film Festival and will be available from 30th November 2018. For more places to watch DriverX, check out the link from The film is streaming on Hulu, AMC+, and DirectTV in the USA. You can check out SkyStore in the UK for special options to buy.
Where to Watch DriverX
Full Movie Trailer For DriverX