The Loneliest Whale: The Search For 52 Docu Review
The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 directed by Joshua Zeman is the story of the 52-hertz whale who had no friends for 30 years.
Originally unearthed in 1989 was an acoustic frequency at 52 hertz. Discovered during a United States Navy surveillance system exercise that aimed to figure out where and what submarines were about. At the time, this sound was considered something extraordinary. At certain points in the documentary “The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52,” scientists allude to the fact this particular sound was a one-of-a-kind frequency in whales. This sonic whale signature was much higher than any other recorded. During the Cold War era, a study began and 52, as it was known, was put under close scrutiny. A Dr. (Bill Watkins) who was charged with investigating the source admonished that “52” was alone. It called and called swimming through the ocean day after day. And no one answered.
Director Joshua Zeman also likes whales. When he was a teenager he fell in love with the beauty of whales from the very first time he laid eyes on one. The idea of a singular entity in whale form, endlessly searching for something seemed like a great story that was yet to be fully uncovered. No one had ever actually seen 52. And with that thought, and some hefty crowdfunding donations from Kickstarter and Leonardo DiCaprio, Zeman began to realize his dream. Alongside writer Lisa Schiller, The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 was undertaken.
The Loneliest Whale the Search for 52 Where to Watch
It’s easy to ride along with the romantic idea presented over the course of the documentary. Dr. Watkins followed 52’s whereabouts until he died in 2004. The New York Times picked up the story and then all of a sudden, this mysterious whale had more eyes on it than ever before. Zeman and a boat full of aquatic experts, oceanographers, and even musician David Rothenberg who likes to play clarinet with and to whales, many many tracking devices, drones, and biologists formed the collective for this mission to find 52.
“I really believe you can use music to get in touch with other species to communicate in a way where language fails.”
David Rothenberg
Then the public discovered and took an interest in 52. Whales are majestic creatures, and 52’s story resonates with many people. Thousands go whale watching each year in an attempt to catch a glimpse of 52, and boat tour agencies like Kai Kanani offer the opportunity to see breaching whales in their natural habitat. 52, however, remains elusive. Besides art and publications about the mythos of this lonely whale, musicians have also made this solitary whale a big deal. A British Indie Rock band Amber Run (52 Blue) and the K-pop band BTS (Whalien 52) wrote songs about it. People everywhere resonated with the idea that a lonely whale was something they could understand. An idea they could relate to.
“Lonely lonely lonely whale
BTS Whalien 52
I sing alone
like this, can I shine brightly like a lonely island
Kate Micucci Weighs In & Sings a Song
We are treated to a sonnet from Kate Micucci (best known for her role as Lucy in Big Bang Theory.) She sings her song about the loneliest whale and talks about why the idea of a lonely whale is so appealing. In the absence of more actual whale footage (which could have added more interest), I would have liked more of Micucci.
If you like historical data, scientific narrative from people who specialize in whale behavior, and links to whales and their plights over the course of time The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 is an enjoyable tour. There is also a missive about how noisy the ocean is in comparison to times before. Are we all just too noisy? Are we annoying the whales with our constant shipping and trades? If we can’t hear ourselves think, imagine what it’s like for the whales.
But do they find 52? Does the documentary bring the conclusion most of us will go into this looking for? Does Zeman uncover the magical whale recluse people have been trying to find for more than 30 years, in a week before his budget runs out? Mother of Movies is not going to spoil the ending for you but if you really want to know ahead of time, check out the spoiler section after The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 film trailer.
I give The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52
3.5 how lonely is the loneliest whale? out of 5

The Lonliest Whale, Film Trailer
Do they find 52 in The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52?
No. No, they do not. But they do discover that his song at the rare 52 hertz is not the only one swimming in the ocean. Maybe 52 wasn’t as lonely as everyone assumed. Maybe the ocean is just bigger than we thought.
The Loneliest Whale The Search for 52 2021
You can watch the film digitally on July 16th, 2021. In theatres from July 9th, 2021
What should I watch? Phoenix Forgotten / Rent A Pal / Searching / Art Kabuki 2021
The Loneliest Whale The Search for 52 Streaming
The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 is streaming on:

- Directed by Joshua Zeman (“Sons of Sam,” Cropsey.) And Netflix’s THE SONS OF SAM: DESCENT INTO DARKNESS.
Written by Joshua Zeman & Lisa Schiller
Produced by Joshua Zeman and Jonathan Shukat, co-produced by Caitlin Colford - Distributed by Bleeker Street Media.
Executive $ Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Davisson, Lucy Sumner, Adrian Grenier, Jim Jacobsen, Maria Bertrand, Gabriel Napora, Yas Taalat, Yipeng Ben Lu, Jeffrey Sobrato, Nicole Shipley, Jeff Rice, Brian Devine, and Evan Krauss.