5 Holiday Themed short films to watch poster designed by Mother of Movies

5 Horror Movie Short Films For Scary Holiday Season Viewing

You’ve got time for 5 Christmas horror movie short stories, haven’t you? Classic stories & some newer ones inspired by Elf on the Shelf

I pondered over what delightful surprise I could bring you for this special holiday season. And then, suddenly, it struck me like a bolt of inspiration! Who could resist the excitement of horror movie short films on YouTube late at night? Prepare to immerse yourself in a collection of Christmas-themed holiday horror short films, all available for streaming at no cost.

Unveiling both contemporary masterpieces and beloved classics that demand your attention. Embark on a twisted journey as you explore these five Yuletide horror movie short films, each capable of casting a haunting spell that will forever alter your perception of the innocent Elf on the Shelf. Do not hesitate, to choose one, and commence your evening with the perfect blend of fear and festivity. Just don’t blame me if you’re scared of Santa and his tiny helpers after this selection.

The first horror movie short film off the rank is Scary Little Fuckers.

Scary Little F*ckers (2015) Horror Movie Short Films

Horror movie short films. Scary Little Fuckers 2015
IM Filmworks #christmashorrorfilms

Scary Little Fuckers: A Christmas Movie

I picked Scary Little Fuckers (2015) simply because it has swear words in the title. Sometimes this is a good indicator of a film being above average and sometimes not. In this case, settle in for a 23-minute jingle with some gremlin-like critters who also like to get a little wet. In Scary Little Fuckers, they are called Fookahs.

What is a Fookah?

A Fookah is a terrible creature. Like the Gremlins in the Gremlins movie, these Fookahs were the result of a gift at Christmastime.

Directed by Nathan Suher and written by Lenny Schwartz. The cast for the Scary Little F*ckers movie includes Josh Fontaine, Anna Rizzo, Rich Tretheway, and Monica Saviolakis. Produced by IM Filmworks.

Christmas Horror Movie Short Films!

Treevenge 2015
Yer Dead Productions

Treevenge — A Classic Must-See Horror Movie Short Film (2015)

Trust me when say this Christmas horror short film is a must-see. Treevenge is stupidly funny and over-the-top gore is something you don’t expect when you think your Christmas tree might be out to kill you. Somehow though Treevenge just works well and induces a sick kind of laughter to go along with it. Somewhere in the vicinity of “Who thinks up this stuff?” and “What did I just watch?” is Treevenge.

Written and directed by Jason Eisener with co-written by Rob Cotterill. The cast for Treevenge includes Jonathan Torrens, Sarah Dunsworth, Maris Morgan, and Jayden Taylor. From Yer Dead Productions.

Watch Treevenge – The Best Horror Movie Short Movies Youtube

Elf on the Shelf (2016) Horror Short Story

Another short film, Elf on the Shelf is one I found and watched based entirely on the title. The Elf on the shelf breaks all the rules. If you know how Elf on the Shelf works, you will automatically know that you aren’t allowed to touch the Elf or he loses all his magic. Not so here, this short film begins with a lovely-looking young lad asleep with the Elf in his arms. Everyone knows you’re not allowed to touch the elf or he loses all his magic. This is just another lie we tell children so their elves don’t revert to their evil counterparts and kill everyone.

Written and directed by Gabriel Younes. Elf on the Shelf cast includes Travis Balkin, Ryan Barton, Connor McGee, and Whitney Moore. This one is 2 minutes long and is from Crypt TV.

Where Can I Watch Elf on the Shelf Horror Short Film

Horror Short Movie Youtube, Don’t Say I Never Bought You Anything

Humbug 2016
Horror movie short films for the holiday season #sinisisterspresents

Humbug (2016)

As if Christmas-themed horror movies couldn’t get any more anti-Christmas, there is this little hidden gem. The Humbug movie is 7 minutes long and will keep you on your toes story-wise. It begins with a cool idea of summoning an evil Santa.

Directed by Justin Lee and Matt Thiesen. Written by Milly Sanders. “Humbug” movie cast includes Jessee Foudrayn and, Milly Sanders. Brought to you by Sinisisters Presents.

Where Can I Watch Humbug Movie?

Jingle Bell Run (2017) – Horror Short Films Youtube Channel

It’s Christmas and I went on a random search for random horror short films. Jingle Bell Run is most likely to be the cheapest one to make. Its 4-minute run time is just short enough so that you haven’t completely wasted your time and long enough to want to see it through. I kind of like it though. It even manages to work in some inaccuracies found in many popular films in the genre like being incapacitated when you’re probably fine.

A film by Jonathan Chan. Starring Bruno Aparicio and William Lew, it’s a great reminder for filmmakers to get out there and give their ideas a voice.

Jingle Bells is a Horror Movie Short Film That Is Not For the Faint At Heart