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There’s Someone Inside Your House, Creepy Netflix Slasher Movie

There's Someone Inside Your House 2021

“There’s Someone Inside Your House” is a horror and thriller film that was directed by Patrick Brice, known for his directorial feature debut in 2014 with the movies “Creep 1 and 2.” The movie, released on Netflix on the 6th of October 2021, revolves around a chilling storyline.

Cast for this horror and thriller film, There’s Someone Inside Your House embraces quite a collection of popular names. As a horror and slasher movie fan, sometimes it’s easy to pick who the killer is based on credited films of the characters within it. Bigger names are often the red herring killer and smaller lesser-known performers are picked off earlier. When the introductions for the main ensemble tumbled out of the school collective aftermath, I knew it was going to be impossible to do that in There’s Someone Inside Your House. But I did place some noted bets. I was wrong instantly though when my first choice was picked off shortly after at 22 minutes.

Who’s the Killer in There’s Someone Inside Your House?

Stories that revolve around killers stalking their victims based on ethical or unpunished crimes they have committed sit well with me. Vigilante horror is one of my favorite types when I’m looking for something to watch that is easily digested. The tropes come on strong in both the films’ main ethos of Scream or Slasher TV franchise mentality. A bunch of teens with secrets are slowly hacked away by someone with a point to prove.

Is it the cop? Or is it one of the group’s main characters? Or could it be the parent of someone slighted, bullied, or killed by someone in the town? Taken from a novel by the same name written by Stephanie Perkins, “There’s Someone Inside Your House” is a stylish contemporary foray into all the goodness slasher movies have to offer.

What Should I Watch On Netflix?

Significantly, the film “There’s Someone Inside Your House” explores a shift in the motives behind the killings of these kids. Rather than delving into the intricate plays on societal sins, such as burgeoning white supremacists or intentional foolish acts leading to death, the narrative takes a different turn with the third kill. In this instance, a pill popper—someone addicted to fentanyl—is brutally murdered during a lavish party hosted by a wealthy individual.

From this point, the film follows a more traditional path, turning into a numbers game where the body count rises. The performances in the movie are commendable, with well-known actors bringing their characters to life. The score enhances the experience, emphasizing the enjoyment viewers should derive from it. Additionally, the plot unfolds with the selection of a scapegoat, allowing the finger-pointing brigade to channel their suspicions onto this chosen individual.

But is this Netflix horror movie bad? Absolutely not. It’s the perfect time filler for Halloween viewing even if it’s a little hollow. Or anytime really, to get your slasher fix dusted. There is ample tension and atmospheric build-up, even if you’ve played this song before. And of course, there is a small bumpy but welcome surprise reveal at the end that we emphatically always love.

Full Movie Trailer for There’s Someone Inside Your House 2021

If you can’t find There’s Someone Inside Your House movie on Netflix, check your favorite film aggregator site and go from there. The title is streaming on Sky in the UK. If you aren’t subscribing to Netflix, maybe it’s time to join. Mother of Movies just reduced my monthly spend by implementing ads on the platform. Half the cost seems pretty good to me.

There’s Someone Inside Your House is rated

3 predictable but solid slashers out of 5

Mother of Movies score
There's Someone Inside Your House
There’s Someone Inside Your House courtesy of BUKACH/NETFLIX

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