This Game's Called Murder 2021

This Game’s Called Murder, It’s Fun, Violent & Stars Ron Perlman

This Game’s Called Murder is a violent bloody murder & crime thriller about the dark side of consumerism. Among the cast is Ron Perlman.

Starring Ron Perlman (Hellboy), This Game’s Called Murder is a movie that starts off feeling like a fever dream. For movie lovers who like that kind of thing, the staggered nonsensical beginning will draw you in. For Mother of Movies, I thought I had missed something and restarted the film. Generally reserved for the likes of movies with Nicholas Cage or directors like Woody Allen or Stanley Kubrick, absurdist films are an acquired taste.

And that’s precisely how This Game’s Called Murder begins, with Perlman’s Mr. Wallendorf at the helm of a global corporation that sells red stiletto shoes. He is playing a game with a half-naked man and the game ends when he shoots him through the face while a shoe heel sits in his open mouth.

“This Game’s Called Murder” is extremely violent in describing the movie as a crime thriller. There are exploding heads, fistfights, suicides, and more. For at least the first half, impatience might win for some. The world writer-director Adam Sherman has built is hard to understand in early scenes. Just after the halfway mark, however, a light switched on, and the craziness of the storyline righted itself. Suddenly the movie made sense and I began to hope that by sticking around I would get the final movie payoff I so desperately wanted.

Ultra Violent Movies

The story follows Mr. Wallendorf as he strives for world domination in the form of gleaning the information of consumers. His wife is batsh*t crazy and talks to a mirror just like the wicked Queen in Snow White. Their daughter is involved in an underground society run by drug-addled psychopaths. This connection exists because her ‘nice guy’ boyfriend Cane comes from there. A high society girl in love with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks is the hallmark of any love story. This is no different at its roots.

I was far from thinking This Game’s Called Murder would make my best-of 2021 movie list. However, by the time the film closed, I didn’t hate it. Considering films with characters that surround themselves in the most outlandish behavior at all times are not my cup of tea, I did find Jennifer’s end game memorable. Think of this as the same Marvel or DC-infused era where all the characters are like Harley Quinn.

Cinematography is graphic and filled with atmospheric moody colors. Good versus evil isn’t really a thing because everyone is severely bent in some way or form.

The soundtrack is pretty cool and I had a good time with it. Loaded with fast-paced action songs accented music is a well-placed backdrop for the manic storyline.

For an explanation and spoiler for This Game’s Called Murder see the drop-down section after the full movie trailer.

This Game’s Called Murder” is rated

3.75 ultra-violent movie head explosions out of 5

Mother of Movies score

This Game’s Called Murder Has Murder

  • This Game‘s Called Murder is on VOD and Digital through levelFILM from December 3 in Canada.
  • The USA has a theatre release as well as VOD from Cranked Up Films.
  • This Game’s Called Murder cast includes Ron Perlman, Natasha Henstridge, Vanessa Marano, Judson Mills, and, Mark Kubr.
This Game's Called Murder movie
Starring Natasha Henstridge, Ron Perlman, and Vanessa Marano. Courtesy of levelFILM. This Game’s Called Murder 2021.

This Game’s Called Murder Full Movie Trailer

Movies like This Game’s Called Murder, where the aim of the game is “death.” Watch #Blue_Whale | Ready or Not | To Your Last Death or The Hunt next.

This Game’s Called Murder, Explained

If you didn’t make it to the end of this ultra-violent movie, you missed out!

Here’s a dot-point explanation and spoiler for This Game’s Called Murder

Explanation and Spoiler for This Game’s Called Murder

  • Mrs. Wallendorf is having an affair with Chad and planning to run away to Fiji after siphoning millions of dollars in Gold inside a truck hidden in Ramen.
  • Mr. Wallendorf doesn’t make money from shoes. He makes it by selling their information and collecting data which is then used to control people. He can make anyone do anything like a snake charmer. He has lots of programs set up that instigate many evil actions.
  • Jennifer is in love with Chad and has slowly gathered information about the mechanics of the family fortune. When Cynthia betrays her, she uses her family’s ways to coerce her into committing suicide. She then sets her mother to die after killing her father with his own Congratulations Game. She puts out a video of her own suicide and then goes to Cane and whisks him away to Fiji where they run off into the sunset. Classic Hollywood style

Where to Watch

This Game's Called Murder
Vanessa Marano and James Lastovic in This Game’s Called Murder. Courtesy of levelFILMS