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“Alligator” 1980, Best B-Movie Creature Features

Alligator 1980 poster

Sometimes you need a solid B-movie horror. Mother of Movies revisited the classic 1980s “Alligator”. If you’re looking for high-class, high-quality cinema, it’s safe to say, that this creature feature will not give you anything like that. Instead, this movie about an alligator that finds itself flushed down a toilet is more about nostalgia. But what this laboratory-fed reptile tale lacks in fancy effects, it makes up for with a great storyline and reputable self-awareness.

They are chasing the fumes of an old urban legend about the fate of flushed pets living in the sewers. The stories about unloved alligators stealthfully creeping around in the underground tunnels have been around for over 100 years. Derived from sightings by ordinary people who see the creatures in places that seem weird. If they didn’t come from the sewers? Where did they come from? And so the tale was written by John Sales (Pirhana) bringing to life all those fears. Directed by Lewis Teague (Cujo) this is a title that rarely disappoints, even when it does.

There is not a lot of realism inside the visuals of this classic horror movie. However, effects cover a wide spectrum of techniques that despite having been superseded by new-fangled technology can’t be downplayed when they do the job just as nicely. Shots from the predator’s point of view create atmospheric tension to keep your eyes glued to the screen. Normal-sized alligators staged in tiny prop sets look noticeably kitsch but every time I see this done, I still appreciate the effort. I can always use fewer rubber props in my cinema, but they are still better here than most.

Classic Creature Features

There are mostly great moments in the Alligator movie. Sure there are the odd slow and low points just as you would find in most films. But you’ve got to appreciate a good movie about these iconic dinosaurs. There simply aren’t that many solid ones in existence. It’s a film that manages a few well-placed giggles despite never entering the horror-comedy subgenre which is a rare treat as well. The dialogue and story’s narrative poke fun at themselves while remaining completely serious. And we like that.

The Alligator movie dropped with its successor Alligator II: The Mutation on the Shudder platform. It’s also streaming on other platforms so find your region’s participatory online space and watch it the next chance you get.

Where to Watch Alligator 1980 Streaming

Alligator movie 1980
Alligator movie 1980
Alligator 1980 Review

Director: Lewis Teague

Date Created: 1980-11-14 00:05

Editor's Rating:


  • Nostalgic classic horror
  • A Storyline that evolves from a popular urban legend


  • Terrible CGI
  • Effects that aren't focussed on realism

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