Fatal Attraction 2023

Fatal Attraction 2023, The Reboot That’s Streaming

Dan Gallagher is fresh out of prison after the murder of his lover Alex Forrester. In the Fatal Attraction series, he wants to clear his name

If you’re a fan of the classic obsession thriller Fatal Attraction movie released in 1987, you might have missed the news of a continuation in series form. This time instead of Michael Douglas and Glenn Close, cast in the TV show, streaming online are Joshua Jackson and Lizzy Caplan.

The title First aired in most countries on Paramount Plus at the end of April 2023. New episodes of Fatal Attraction have dropped weekly. Since tuning in loyally I can tell you that even if the series doesn’t quite reach the messy and lurid heights of the original film, it’s still worth watching. Paramount announced back in 2021 that there would be more television series like this and mentioned The Italian Job, Love Story, The Parallax View, and Flashdance as other rebooted ideas to bring to the table.

The new Fatal Attraction story taps into the idea of what came after as well as splicing plenty of narrative differences between it and the 1987 film. The main crux of the storyline is only slightly the same. In the origin story, Dan Gallagher’s affair is a one-night stand. Also different is Alexander Forrest who worked in a publishing company. She was quick to adapt to the stalking and manipulation routine compared to the new version. She also took it extremely seriously in a very short matter of time.

Fatal Attraction Cast

In the new 2023 series, there are a couple of key connections. The character names are the same, for example. This time, the whole story begins after the death of Alex Forester and works its way backward. Dan, now played by Joshua Jackson has served a lengthy stint in jail following the murder of his lover. We get to learn more about Alex (now played by Lizzy Caplan), and having her work in the same building as Dan in a similar line of work leans into a slower tension build-up.

The new setting makes way for some great twists. I’m the 2923 Fatal Attraction, the affair has more staying power too, lasting a few weeks instead of one weekend. The series introduces more players into the mix as well. Here we see Dan’s grown-up daughter Ellen (Alyssa Jirrels) who has a psychology degree.

After Dan is released from prison, he is reunited with his daughter, and his best friend, an LAPD officer. Together they both work at trying to clear his name. The Fatal Attraction 2023 series deep dives into trying to solve the murder of Alex Forrester while adding unique dynamics with these new people.

Fatal Attraction Meaning

I was super enthusiastic about the show’s angle of a murder mystery that takes place after the 1987 Fatal Attraction film ends. Moreover, it fills in theories fans had about what happened next. The teleplay writing and directing of the TV show changes between episodes giving it a slightly unpredictable feel which I think works well.

The central cast is brilliant, with Lizzy Caplan oozing the unstable aura of the one and only Alex Forest, and Glenn Cose. Despite being such big shoes to fill, Joshua Jackson does a great job of capturing the essence of Michael Douglass’s original role as Dan Gallagher. Amanda Peet plays Dan’s wife and even though her role is slightly dialed back, the series throws in some excellent new shocks to sink your teeth in as the story unfolds.

The Fatal Attraction TV show is receiving less than glowing reviews. I have to admit, however, it’s my new favorite show. Currently, the drama and thriller psychological thriller is rated 6/10 on IMBD.com but with not a lot of user ratings. So I think it’s too early to write this series off. If you’re reading the ratings and reviews of Fatal Attraction and giving it a wide berth of avoidance, perhaps rethink this decision.

For more ways to watch the Fatal Attraction series see below. I like it so much I wouldn’t be upset if the series was continued in this way and went on to feature other scenarios of a Fatal Attraction in the same universe.

Fatal Attraction TV Show is rated

4 white bunnies out of 5

Mother of Movies score
Fatal Attraction cast
Fatal Attraction cast

Fatal Attraction Series Trailer on Paramount+

If you like movie themes pitting lover against lover, watch Mother’s Instinct next.

What Streaming Service Has Fatal Attraction Show?