Pig Killer 2023

Movies based on real events have a bad reputation. Especially ones that divert their focus towards retelling stories about real-life serial killers and other world atrocities. Pig Killer takes its sheen from the story of a prolific murderer Robert “Willy” Pickton. Willy was a pig farmer from a low-brow family who passed on their acreage to their son. If you’re the type of cinephile who likes to watch a film with little to no information, Pig Killer will be hard to get a handle on. If you are looking for a remotely considerate purview into the life of this vile man, this is not the place for that.

It’s a grotesque theme and topic. Willy was a man who slaughtered at least 49 people in the most heinous of ways. The first thing you should know about the “Pig Killer” movie is that it never shies away from throwing the grisly details as hard as it can at your face. It’s dark and it’s dirty, employs practical effects, and will be a trial for more discerning horror fans to endure. Credit where credit is due, the effects are excellent.

There is rape, incest, decapitation, cutting, torture, gore and violence. But what this film does once it gets going, quite frankly, had me more than confused. At the very least, you can rest assured that what you are served in the opening act sets the scene for the rest of the film. Yes, more women will be murdered while Willy wears a pig mask.

Meanwhile, as the viewer, you can relax to 80’s music and tap your toes while Willy makes a mess of his trailer. Oh and let’s not forget, Robert’s pet pig, endearingly called Balthazar, who likes to watch.

The Pig Killer Movie Trailer


Slaughterhouse Snuff

If all that sounds far from palatable then so is the characterisation of the man responsible for these crimes. I would describe it as somewhere between Buffalo Bill’s aesthetic in “Silence of the Lambs” and what I imagined “Bad Boy Bubby” did with his life after escaping his flat. Then, if you have finished being weirded out by the on-screen visual of Willy’s willy from time to time and Bai Ling’s appearance as a hooker who gets sliced, diced, and has money shoved down her throat, something else might dawn on you too.

Once the shock of just how far director Chad Ferrin wanted to go with Pig Killer becomes clear, there is a certain tonal mess that slaps you in the face. Down is up and up is down in Pig Killer. Serious dialogue is accompanied by an upbeat score with lyrics that play too loud over the top of what’s happening on screen. It’s disconcerting, but maybe that’s the point.

Pig Killer 2023 horror movie
Courtesy of Glasshouse Pictures – Pig Killer 2023

Carnage of the Squealers – Pig Killer

None of the stylistic choices in Pig Killer felt intentional. At least not in a way that felt like the artistic choices were implemented for the betterment of the film. Instead, flashbacks, voiceovers, psychedelic forward scenes, and other crass production decisions felt more like they were inserted after the fact. And the fact is, Pig Killer was always going to be seen as exploitative. And to cover that up a little, what’s better than to pretend it was supposed to be funny?

Much of what is shown in Pig Killer is not balanced out with great storytelling or interesting motivational theories. Instead, Pig Killer is a pure shock for shock value sake. If that’s what you enjoy, you will no doubt get a kick out of the newest extreme horror film to release in 2023.

Pig Killer is rated

2 Pig parties on the farm out of 5

Mother of Movies score