The Portrait Film Review

I’ll be the first to admit, that The Portrait is a bit of a head-scratcher. The title bears a narrative that centers itself around the notion that to understand the film, you need to decide if Sofia is losing her mind or being haunted. There are plenty of films like it. The Shining is a cult classic, A Creature Was Stirring was released on Christmas 2023 and Nightmare was released by AMC+ networks breathing a puff of air into an already saturated theme. If you’ve never seen a film that balances sanity and the supernatural realm, then I assume you haven’t watched many movies.

The Portrait introduces Sofia on the back of her husband’s accident. With a brain-induced trauma, Alex is the shell of his former self and Sofia is now in charge of trying to get him better. Backed by Alex’s rich family, the pair arrive at a large estate where Alex grew up hoping to spark some memory. Director Simon Ross’s directorial debut captures attention with small moments. The film features dusty antiques and dramatic pauses. In one scene, Sofia discovers something in the attic that freaks her out.

Table of Contents

Haunted Paintings In Movies

Alex’s wife discovers a painting that is said to be a distant relative to Alex and also a self-portrait. The trouble with the painting is, that it looks exactly like her husband. She finds solace in a hauntingly familiar face that mirrors his brighter days. Her attachment to the painting grows, but slowly over time, she also begins to sow fear in her heart. Strange things begin to happen.

Noise that can’t be sourced and dreams that are now filled with the painting’s likeness. With empathy for her growing turmoil, she grapples with a chilling possibility: Is the portrait imbued with a dark force, or is it her fragile psyche that teeters on the edge? With frightening resolve, she peels away the layers of mystery, seeking to unravel the poignant truth that lies behind the canvas before it overwhelms her

The Portrait Movie

Despite the supernatural theme and shot at a jump scare, the title doesn’t really deliver much within the horror genre. The Portrait is more of a psychodrama with an edge. It claims atmospheric tension in smaller moments. Sofia struggles to work out what’s going on inside her husband’s mind. Could his ancestor and his painting have an otherworldly power that is using him to enact his true desires, or has Sofia’s desire to rid herself of her guilt caused her to tip past the point of return?

Cinematography is an impressive mixture of persistent anxiety. The problem is, that the atmosphere rarely edges towards any climactic points. Not a lot happens throughout The Portrait and I struggled to stay invested in this title. The relationship between

Alex and Sofia are intimate, and they describe how it must feel to lose someone who remains on Earth. While this aspect is well executed highlighted by external frustration and guilt from Sofia, her character arc is confusing. Is she as invested in his recovery as she says she is, or has he tapped into an ability that runs in the family?

Alex (played by Ryan Kwanten) does an excellent job maintaining an elusive persona that you aren’t ever sure of. With no backstory about who he was before the accident, it makes it hard to hone in on who needs rescuing. The payoff in the finale was worth waiting for though even if it compounds the confusion.

To sum up, the release of The Portrait has delivered mixed reviews so far. has the title sitting at 4.4/10. User reviews cite great acting from both leads but a lack of horror and conclusion let the title down. I tend to agree here.

The Portrait is worth a one-time watch.

Rated 3.5 Picture perfect husbands out of 5

Mother of Movies score

For another film about a doppelganger painting, check out The Visitor. For a better film about the same topic, watch The Relic.

The Portrait Trailer

To watch this film about a haunted painting, check the link below for where to watch in your regions

Distributed By: Saban Films.

On VOD & Digital: December 8, 2023.

  • Directed By: Simon Ross.
  • Written By: David Griffiths.
  • Distributed By: Saban Films.
  • Starring: Natalia Cordova-Buckley, Ryan Kwanten, Isidora Goreshter with Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Virginia Madsen.

Parent Guidance for The Portrait 2023 film: The title has extreme violence, some sexual content, language, and brief drug use.

Run Time: 86 Minutes

The Portrait 2024
The Portrait 2024