Killer Kate Horror Comedy Revenge Movie
KIller Kate, a Bachelorette party & a remote cabin. A girl’s weekend goes from fun to murderous chaos. A horror with comedy a Negan bat.
Killer Kate is good for a one-time watch. When it’s bottom-of-the-barrel horror but kind of fun and quirky it makes it special. There is a certain charm to this film that I just couldn’t deny. This is an indie horror film full of comedy. If you hate that type of thing you might like that a Negan bat is included as a weapon of choice.
There are unwatchable bad movies and watchable bad movies and the Killer Kate movie is the latter. Furthermore, not only does it cram in humor but filmmakers stuffed in so many horror tropes, it unifies the film into a pleasant place that makes it okay. Budgets were obviously limited to what filmmakers could make from the sniff of an oily rag but the kills and the respective blood and gore work were nicely executed. That aspect alone deserves a little half-bonus star. Plus Kate herself uses a Negan bat complete with barbed wire, and if you can’t get on board with that, then I can’t help you.
Fun for the whole family.
Killer Kate Movie Trailer With Kate the Killer
Plot and Film Summary for Killer Kate Movie
Kate isn’t usually a killer and that is what makes her behavior all the more surprising. Her sister and Kate also don’t usually get along either. When Kate is forced to attend her sister’s bachelorette party at the behest of her ailing father, how can she say no? In a remote cabin setting, Kate and her sister take a Negan-style bat to the count and play out a scenario they never imagined could happen.
- Directed by Michael Klug.
- Written by Elliot Feld and Daniel Moya.
- Killer Kate stars Alexander Feld, Danielle Burgess, and Amaris Davidson.
- Its production company Feld Films has released KIller Kate. Distributed by Bounty Films and Digital Freestyle Media.

Horror With Comedy Thrown in
What the film lacks in solid story writing it makes up for with an immediate dark comedic tone. But it’s also within this area that it falters with some of the characters it introduces. I like slasher movies, I also like stalker films and added to this I liked Kate’s character and her development within the narrative. But I didn’t like the ineptitude assigned to the crew ascending to murder its prey. I didn’t enjoy all the attempts to create fun within the Killer Kate narrative but the scene with the pizza guy was truly awesome.
There are several nods towards 80’s films, especially within the score for the film, but as it’s set in an Airbnb it ended up cheapening what was already scraping too low. It also added to the inconsistencies within the movie itself. As I mentioned earlier, the blood work was a pass, but its lasting power seemed like an unintentional oversight. Almost as though, they loved the look of it so much that they didn’t allow Kate’s character to clean it off. And she could have. But it looks cool, so who cares.
The camera work was great and some of the shots within the scene work created an edge of classiness that captures what the film probably intended in the first place. “Killer Kate” is something you should definitely watch sometime, especially if your tolerance for stupidity is low and your love for revenge flicks is high.
I give Killer Kate
2.5 pizza guys amidst chaos out of 5

Where to Watch the Killer Kate Movie
Killer Kate is streaming on:
- Written by Daniel Moya + Elliot Feld
- Directed by Elliot Feld
Produced by Feld Films - Distributed by Bounty Films +
Freestyle Digital Media