Dead Teenagers movie review

The third movie in the Fresh Hell anthology is Dead Teenagers. A self-aware slasher horror movie by Quinn Armstrong, the first two films comprise the series that defines three hellish scenarios to sink your couch potato butt into.

The trilogy began with The Exorcism of Saint Patrick before introducing Wolves Against the World, all streaming right now. The final film immerses itself into a classic classmate, lakeside, masked-killer, and final girl story.

Despite loving many different slasher movies of various redeeming qualities, Dead Teenagers is not your average fare. This was the new horror movie by Armstrong I was waiting for.

In this horror movie, the characters cover the most used tropes getting through nearly all of them. There is a method to the madness though when Mandy (Jordan Myers) finds the pages of a script, aptly titled Dead Teenagers.

For movie lovers thinking this idea isn’t new, you’re right. The five friends openly discuss their plans to end this alternate-universe vacation. Mandy, Jamie, Ben, Nicole, and Ethan form an odd yet quirky group of close friends. When the masked killer “Torch” (Chris Hahn) dies and they discover more clues indicating they are trapped in a Dome version of a horror movie, they resolve to take their fate into the hands of its writers.

When nothing happens and they find themselves no longer moving forward in the timeline, they realise this universe wants an ending. And what the Fresh Hell universe wants, the Fresh Hell universe gets.

Somewhere between Happy Death Day and the Scream franchise, “Dead Teenagers” is fresh and fun. It’s the type of movie you can watch twice, just to notice different things, the second time around.

They confidently rewrite the story, only to discover that their fates have already been predetermined. As they meticulously reexamine the script and reconstruct the narrative, one of them meets their end. For real.

By following the scene as prescribed, the killer’s intentions are fulfilled, and the blood begins to spray. Only this time, there is no killer and no one has a knife, a blow torch, or a welding helmet. Whether they like it or not, this is a dead teenager movie, and all but one will be dead.

Those with a keen eye will have seen, Armstrong in the final minutes of the film as an unlisted cast member alongside many characters from the previous two films.

Dead Teenagers is super fun, witty, and smarter than your average bear. Watch it as soon as you have time and don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook and tell Mother of Movies what you thought of it too.

  • Genre: Horror
  • Produced by Fresh He, LLC [US]. Distributed by Cranked UP Films.
  • Release Date: USA and UK on the 10th of September 2024.
  • Director | Writer: Quinn Armstrong
  • Film Attack reviewed this film in a positive light too, read it by visiting this link.
  • Cast: Jordan Myers, Maya Jeyam, Tony White, Mary Charles Miller, Angel Ray, Chris Hahn and, Beau Roberts.

Check out my coverage for the first and second installments THE EXORCISM OF SAINT PATRICK and WOLVES AGAINST THE WORLD.

Dead Teenagaers movie Fresh Hell Anthology
Dead Teenagers movie Fresh Hell Anthology. Courtesy of Cranked Up Films

Where To Watch Dead Teenagers

The movie, Dead Teenagers is available via Amazon and AppleTV in the USA and UK. For more ways to watch, set an alert with via the link below.

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If you want more slashers, check out all of these titles.

For horror and comedy watch Chainsaws Were Singing | For a Teen slasher movie watch Founders Day or You’re Killing Me.

Dead Teenagers 2024 - Fresh Hell Antholgy
Dead Teenagers movie Fresh Hell Anthology. Courtesy of Cranked Up Films

Dead Teenagers movie is rated

4 Not your average dead teenager movie out of 5

Dead Teenagers

Director: Quinn Armstrong

Date Created: 2024-09-10 16:44

Editor's Rating: