Small but mighty, The Yorkie Werewolf proves that horror and even bigger laughs can come in tiny packages. A festival favorite, this ‘so bad it’s brilliant’ gem has already howled its way into the hearts of audiences. Now, this savage yet surprisingly dark adventure is ready to charm its way onto your favorite streaming platforms.

From Farts to Violence, A Bizarre Beginning

The film kicks off with a chaotic scene involving snow, glow globes, and severed legs, quickly plunging us into an awkward hospital moment where a mother and daughter await their grandmother’s passing. And then… farts. I braced myself for the worst. But as my patience for flatulence ran out, The Yorkie Werewolf shifted gears into witty absurdity. It wasn’t just the fart jokes. If you’re a fan, you’ll be mid-snort-laugh instead. The sharp one-liners began to land like a seasoned stand-up act.

The film introduces us to Jenny and her mother, both witches, inheriting the family coven after the grandmother’s death. There’s a terrier in a bowtie, fed rat butts, no less, and Jenny sporting dog-ear headbands throughout the movie. These quirks are well-thought-out, narratively, with surprising precision.

They create a unique universe similar to an episode of Supernatural or Buffy. However, neither Dan nor Sam are present. Sarah Michelle Gellar appeared in several cameo roles in 2024. She, or her likeness, is not featured here either. Twilight features a love triangle with a Vampire, a human, and a Werewolf. So, why not a horror comedy film?

The Yorkie Werewolf movie
The Yorkie Werewolf movie courtesy of Deskpop Entertainment

Witches, Mobsters, and… Pasta?

Jenny, a reluctant-ish witch, just wants a vengeful teenage life, dating mobsters instead of summoning spells.

Her crush, Dominic, learns the hard way that witches have unique ways of enforcing boundaries. (Spoiler: It’s more intense than a slap to the face.) The film leans into its mobster subplot with gusto, turning Italian food into a running gag.

The supernatural and mundane collide and the bodies start to pile up. The son of a well-known cheese monger gets placed in a room at the shelter together. They soon discover their agenda is the same, and quickly decide to pair up and save the town. When he is delighted that Jenny is a werewolf, their chemistry makes for a charmingly offbeat love story.

Laughs, Lore, and a Tender Finale

Between the coven rituals, werewolf lore, and a magical crystal, The Yorkie Werewolf juggles a lot. But the film’s attention to detail and its clever humor holds everything together.

The standout scene? A trip to a gun shop to buy a bomb leads to a hilariously insightful conversation about self-esteem with the shopkeeper.

The finale, while a tad overlong, delivers a mix of comedy and dark moments,

If you can lean into the fact that the Yorkie Werewolf looks like an Ewok with teeth. It’s Alf in terrier form. And be okay with that then you’ll have a good time.

It’s hilariously absurd but so well-crafted that it never feels cheap. The camera wisely avoids lingering too long on the costume, letting the story and characters take center stage instead.

Final Thoughts: A Howling Success

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Ewok-Terrier Hybrids 🐾
(Because let’s be honest, it’s hard to top an Ewok-terrier werewolf.

The Yorkie Werewolf 2024
The Yorkie Werewolf movie courtesy of Deskpop Entertainment

More Information on the Yorkie Werewolf

It earned accolades like Best Feature at the Horror Underground Film and Screenplay Festival 2024. It charmed viewers at the Big Apple Film Festival and beyond. Now, it’s clawing its way to a wider audience, releasing this Tuesday (1/7) on Apple, Fandango, DVD, and Amazon, with a February date set for ad-supported streaming platforms like Tubi.

“The real world right now is plenty serious, and more than a little absurd. People need a break. I’m barely able to watch anything that isn’t broadly comedic. I watch things that are so fantastical. Any catharsis they might provide remains clearly separate from the social and existential pains of the day. That’s why we made The Yorkie Werewolf.”

Writer and director of The Yorkie Werewolf Michael DiBiasio-Ornelas

For a strange and unexpected good time, release your inner Yorkie by watching The Yorkie Werewolf from (1/7.) Check back because the film rolls out on streaming platforms at the end of February 2025. Stars Isabella Jaimie, Risa Mei, and Jacob Rainer.

Where to Stream The Yorkie Werewolf

“The Yorkie Werewolf” balances campy fun with genuine care. A heartfelt love letter to low-budget horror comedies. Underneath the humor lies a darker bite, with magical schemes, feral tempers, and a vampire romance that’s anything but ordinary. – Mother of Movies

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Camp, Care, and a Costume Worth Howling Over

Watch more absurd films here: Lisa Frankenstein | Velocipastor | Dream Scenario | The Twentieth Century or You Wouldn’t Understand. They all deserve ore eyes on them.

Director’s Quote

“We knew we couldn’t afford Hollywood-level effects, but we also didn’t want to settle for something forgettable. Dan Flanders, who worked with Nightmare Vermont, adapted a blueprint for a ‘scary Ewok’ that became a shorter, swole werewolf. Risa, the actor in costume, brought it to life, channeling the campy, low-budget creature features of the ‘70s and ‘80s with a modern twist.”

Michael DiBiasio-Ornelas – exclusive quote for Mother of Movies
The Yorkie Werewolf

Director: Michael DiBiasio-Ornelas

Date Created: 2024-03-31 18:56

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