Kin 2018 movie poster

Kin did alright in theatres when it was released in August 2018. Considering some of the cool special effects though, I’m unsure how much of that was profit. There are no budgetary pieces of information to look at but the film took about $10 million gross, worldwide. The sci-fi-heavy movie dropped on Netflix first before being moved over to Apple TV. Watch the short film this film was derived from. It’s at the end.

Dennis Quaid Movies

Kin has a strong cast with Denis Quaid appearing as Hal, dad to his adopted son Eli and his other son Jack. James Franco gives an excellent performance as one of the bad guys, Taylor a protection-centric crime boss. He and his syndicate ran protection for Jack during his six-year incarceration.

Subsequently, the family unit is badly formed, with Hal doting on Eli and trying his best to teach him right from wrong while his big brother is in the clink. Hal has strong morals and has endeavored to role model these in the hopes of retaining at least one child on the right side of the tracks. When Jack gets released from Jail, his short stay back at home lands everyone in mortal danger when the protection money is due.

What I struggled with within the first half of the Kin movie was finding characters to root for. Jack seems to beg for some leeway in this matter, however, his decision-making is awful. Although he seems to try to get his life back on track, telling the bad guys where his father’s life savings are, was something I couldn’t overlook. It’s just a shitty thing to do, especially knowing how dangerous they are.

Science Fiction Guns In Film

In the meantime, Eli has been scavenging to make ends meet and during one of his adventures stumbles upon a weird sci-fi scene. The old building he drifts into includes some dead bodies wearing helmets. He notices a gun near one of them and leaves after failing to obtain it. Of course, later he returns and discovers the gun still there and furthermore, this gun is so awesome he takes it home.

If you watch the trailer for Kin, you’ll see why this sci-fi film was so alluring. Its high-tech features can’t go unnoticed.

Kin Full Official Trailer 2018

Straight Forward Storyline In Kin 2018

The narrative for the Kin movie is fairly rudimentary almost all the way through, but in the final scenes, it makes up for everything.

I’m not going to spoil anything here, but the further into the story Kin goes, the more I liked Eli. I liked what he stands for and even though, I found other less important characters worthwhile, given the ending, at least one person might just have some use later on.

Zoe Kravitz does a great job simply being cool. It’s amazing when so much talent runs through a real-life family, especially one as well known as her singer father Lenny Kravitz. Zoe’s character here is simply a prop, almost a quasi-mother figure noticeably absent in the nearly all-male cast. It’s easy to see that her story arc, Kin, may be far from over when her presence remains close by despite there being no real need for her to be.

Overall, Kin is a nifty science fiction film and also a directorial debut for Jonathan Baker. He has extended a short film to create this feature film-length story from 2014’s ‘Bag Man.’

The short film, Bag Man, was nominated at the SXSW Film Festival that same year which I’ve included for you to watch. It runs for 15 minutes.

I give Kin

3.5 frozen matrix-style fight scenes out of 5

Mother of Movies score

Where to Stream the Kin Movie

Watch another science fiction film next with King Car, Settlers or Breach with Bruce Willis

Hal, Eli and Jimmy in Kin (2018)
Hal, Eli, and Jimmy in Kin (2018)