10 films to watch when you're angry at the world
He Never Died

Director: Jason Krawczyk

Date Created: 2015-03-17 16:50

Editor's Rating:

She Never Died” is the follow-up movie to the cult favorite hit “He Never Died” (2015.) If you’ve never heard of either of these films, I encourage you to watch them. If you are a fan of universe-building, you are sure to find as much enjoyment in both. You will also enjoy connective stories with immortality. I think these films might be my newest obsession.

In 2024 Jason Krawczyk released his (what I have decided) is the third film in the sequence. Sunset Superman (Don’t Mess with Grandma) is streaming on TubiTv. Check out Mother of Movies coverage here.

All three films are super cool. Commonalities are that they each are designed to be horror comedy movies. They are deliciously dark and twisted and involve revenge or comeuppance. While there are some great humorous moments in each film, they are not over-the-top schlock. There is plenty of visceral gore, blood, and finger-eating to be seen.

Starring Henry Rollins as the lead character, Jack. The story of He Never Died depicts him as a solitary fixture in society. He avoids as much human contact as he can. In saying that, people who do end up in his orbit tend to appreciate his less is more attitude.

He Never Died Review

Firstly, the other characters within Jack’s universe are more or less, props. We meet his daughter Andrea who’s at the center of his mission in the second half. A woman, Kate, has seen him almost every day in the diner he frequents. A paramedic supplies him with blood so he doesn’t need to eat people. None of these people are detailed. Whether they live or die is irrelevant but they all specifically serve the purpose of getting to know Jack. Of course, there are more than one or two villains. It was great to see Steven Ogg of The Walking Dead Fame appear as Alex.

The strange thing about this film is that there is nothing special about it. Somehow though, Rollins manages to lift the character to heights. These heights propel the narrative to a place of warm and cozy comfort. It’s like watching a TV series crammed inside a feature-length movie.

There is a little downtime during He Never Died’s 99-minute runtime. There are times when the props seem to not be necessary. The story could simply travel along nicely with fewer people. Nevertheless, it takes all of the comic-book moral endurance of the stories many of us love. It turns it into this B-grade ball of pliers in the forehead fun.

Watch it, and then watch She Never Died afterward (reviewed below), you must.

He Never Died film is rated

3.75 Vagina coupon books for alcohol out of 5

Henry Rollins (He Never Died 2015)
Henry Rollins plays Jack.

She Never Died and He Never Died, Where to Watch

She Never Died Review

“She Never Died” is a film that begins with Lacey (Olunike Adeliyi.) Lacey doesn’t say much and usually responds with violence. Her living situation is one of a vagrant and on the streets. She teams up with homeless Joe (Bill MacDonald.) An unlikely pair, one looking to camouflage into obscurity and the other knowing that having a person like Lacey around is an advantage.

In a clash of agendas, a cop is seen trying to figure out a connection between some local murders and a trafficking ring. Unbeknownst to him, Lacey is looking for her next meal. A criminal is always the type she goes for. Godfrey, the aging police agent, and Lacey inadvertently meet. They are both trying to get to a sordid character, Terrance, known only by the number of rings he wears.

The first half of She Never Died is decidedly more exciting than the masculine companion piece. There is much more on-screen violence and, more storylines to grab hold of. It comes off as a mixture of what I would expect would happen if the film Hostel (2005) brought in an immortal accidentally. Then, after that, the immortal decided to set things straight.

She Never Died Ending Explained

The criminals here have more going on, are a much larger operation, and like to torture people in their spare time for audience numbers online. What Godfrey discovers is that Lacey could easily be the solution to all his problems. He is busy investigating why bodies are turning up among his suspects. Further still, he wants to know why they are missing their fingers. When he finds that Lacey is responsible for the syndicate’s diminishing numbers and also the fingers, he realizes they can help each other.

Thrown into the mix is a Suzzie (Kianna Madira.) She could very well be Eliza Dushku’s sister but isn’t. Her bubbly and aqueous nature is like squirting sunshine into an otherwise dark tunnel. You know you want it but you should also probably put sunglasses on. Whether or not she is a likable character will depend on your mood and tolerance for that type of thing.

I found She Never Died much more amusing. It was in a “you shouldn’t be laughing at that” way. It was more amusing than He Never Died. It surprised me that a change of direction with Audrey Cummings somehow pumped something a little special into this. I enjoyed the visuals, the gore, the humor, and the uncomfortable scene at the end. The score is perfectly appropriate all the way through. Sometimes I felt like there was something reminiscent of the “Game of Thrones” score playing in the background.

Films like this get me excited. They come out of nowhere and somehow leave you wanting ten more of them.

She Never Died movie is rated

4 I’ll just come with you out of 5

Looking for other movies that include immortality? Watch The Visitor | Black Adam | Sawed Off | The Returned or Kandisha. These titles have Gods or eternal life in them too.

Who Are Jack and Lacey Spoiler Section

Spoiler Section


In the first movie, Jack has a conversation with Cara where she enquires about whether he’s a Vampire. Numerous references are made as to what type of monster he is. At the end of He Never Dies, he says his name is Cain. Cain and Abel are the first two sons of Adam and Eve. This makes the man with the Goatee, I think, God. God was the one who punished Cain for murdering his brother and banished him for life to forever wander and never be killed. In the story, Cain has a son, Enoch, but in the film, he has a daughter Audrey.


Lacey has also been cast out to wander the Earth as a punishment. I would like to assume that because Lucifer’s wife’s name is Lillith and Lacey says that’s her name in the final scenes she is possibly being punished, perhaps for adultery. She talks about having had a child and we see that another fallen creature is pictured at the end of the movie.


  • They both eat oatmeal and hot tea in the diner
  • Both are vegan (except for the whole eating people thing.)
  • They each have nightmares that sound like people screaming whenever they go to sleep. They also hear the screaming when they’ve not killed anyone.
  • Both have a limited amount of time before they turn a little feral and are unable to contain their urges systematically. By eating people or drinking blood they can quench that urge for a while.
  • They both see a figure in a bowler’s hat.
  • They both have children.
  • They’ve both had their wings removed.
4 stars out of 5
4 stars out of 5

Can I Watch She Never Died Before He Never Died?

Henry Rollins plays Jack.

I watched She Never Died first. I can confirm that even though they share a common world, the two stories are based on two different sets of circumstances and people. You will, however, learn more about the origins, age and why’s during the first film.

Production For He Never Died VS She Never Died

The original He Never Died film was written and directed by Jason Krawczyk, and She Never Died switches up the director seat and sends Audrey Cummings into the spotlight.

Both films are produced by Alternate Ending Studios. Distribution for She Never Died was with A71 Productions. For He Never Died; Vertical Entertainment picked it up. Netflix plus Hoopla are both enjoying the celebrity cult status of the original film.

She Never Died

Director: Audrey Cummings

Date Created: 2019-09-19 16:51

Editor's Rating: