Deep Blue Sea 2

Firstly I want to warn you that this Deep Blue Sea 2 movie review will be filled to the bream with spoilers. Features as many shark puns as I fink needed to Mako me feel better. In 1999 Deep Blue Sea was certainly a good old-fashioned B-grade shark flick. It had Mako sharks killing a bunch of scientists trying to cure Alzheimer’s. Not to mention it also had the same protein complex used in the sequel except they only made one shark smarter. What’s more, the original film had a submersible escape pod. It also had an elevator, director Renny Harlin and writers who had worked on similar genre films before. I liked Deep Blue Sea. Sure it wasn’t amazing, but I really enjoy movies that set your teeth on edge and the casting was good.

Deep Blue Sea 2 Review

I laughed in the opening scenes of Deep Blue Sea 2, and I’ll explain. Specifically, Two fishermen are armed to the teeth nimbly filling a massive tub with shark fins to sell. They jump around the boat with glee thinking of the money they will collect from their haul. A warning comes in on the radio and anyone in the vicinity needs to leave the area. These two think they are going to need a bigger boat, having the area to themselves. But just when they thought it was safe to go back into the water they see, a requiem (family group) of sharks in a bird-like formation heading at speed towards them. One yells out;

“That sharks serving themselves up on a platter!”

Quote from the movie Deep Blue Sea 2

These sharks are a different kettle of fish and the fishermen get knocked into the water. The men do not attempt to climb back into their boat and instead act like fish out of water. They splash around helplessly before they are PG-eaten and float limbless to the bottom of the ocean. On this occasion, the opening kill sequence was wildly on the comic side. Do they use real sharks in Deep Blue Sea 2?

All in all, anything the first film achieved, this one squandered. Despite its predecessor having scientists curing brain diseases too, here Carl (Michael Beach) is just a rich guy who likes pharmaceutical drugs.

Ninja Sharks In the Deep Blue Sea Movie?

The sharks are ninja-like and are seen in the background eavesdropping on conversations and plotting the murder of everyone in the facility. I’m sure they also plan to plead ‘not guilty’ when they are caught. Luckily the most idiotic tech expert I have ever seen seems confused whilst watching the sharks on monitors. He’s just not sure how the sharks got out.

The submersible pool seen in the first movie is present in the sequel. Anyone who is a fan of the original will know about the classic kill scene involving this pool and Samuel L. Jackson. The staff on board the floating ocean fish tanks even do the same tests on the sharks. You know the one where they anesthetize the shark and some hapless assistant nearly gets his arm bitten off?

There are a total of 8 human deaths in the Deep Blue Sea 2 movie. Plenty of gore for those looking for a violent creature feature. Some are eaten, like Kwame, and others are dismembered in some way like Leslie and Ruhengeri. And there are a few deaths with a little creativity like when Josh is taken in the shower.

Deaths In Deep Blue Sea 2 movie

Carl however is too smart to be outwitted by sharks and simply adds some more doses of brain improvement, to his diet. This fills Carl to the gills with excitement. Misty (Danielle Savre) the conservationist, points out of one of the sharks is totally knocked up. This means there are going to be plenty of baby sharks around soon. This news surprises Carl, who invited her because she had boobs and likes to swim with sharks. He was hoping they could hammer something out together. 

I hoped that having baby sharks would snatch a small victory from the Jaws of defeat and be the redeeming come-back the Deep Blue Sea 2 movie needed. But when those babies made noises reminiscent of B-Grade piranha films I have often been fond of. I knew the remaining scenes would be like pulling teeth. Having their approach announced by bubbles on the surface of the water made it impossible to enjoy them. It was like a bad joke and that joke was wearing fin

Subsequently, Carl decides to show his advanced brain function by hammering off a lock to keep the sharks out while they Mak-o their escape. The brain protein obviously only works on sharks, not humans. It also keeps Misty in troubled waters with the baby sharks catching the remaining survivors by surprise. Carl doesn’t care, there’s plenty of fish in the sea. The Deep Blue Sea 2 movie has plenty of these moments.

Is Deep Blue Sea 2 a Good Movie?

Deep Blue Sea 2 movie is my least favorite film for 2018. The world needed Deep Blue Sea 2 about as much as a fish needs a bicycle. The special effects were Jawsome, and the sharks looked great. Trent (Rob Mayes) controlling events with a shark-repelling sound device was a massive cold fish. He could’ve used that device in all sorts of cool ways. I’m not going to feel gill-ty about this biting review. Everything interesting was flushed down the toilet. 
I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.

Deep Blue Sea 2 movie is rated

1.5 sharks who listen when no one else will star out of 5. 

Mother of Movies score

Deep Blue Sea 2 Movie Trailer

Deep Blue Sea 2 Cast

  • Director: Darin Scott.
  • Writers: Erik Patterson, Hans Rodinoff, and Jessica Scott. Both writers are specifically known for their romantic comedies and a few ghostly series. Maybe that’s why the script didn’t go as swimmingly as they liked.
  • Release: Straight to DVD in April 2018.
  • In addition, if you didn’t notice Danielle Savre is cast in Deep Blue Sea 2. Apparently, she’s pretty darn interesting. More interesting than the movie itself. Danielle Savre has been in Station 19, Adulterers, Bring it On, Boogeyman 2, and many other countless movies. It’s important to say she looked pretty in all of them. Other Deep Blue Sea cast include Trent Slater, Carl Durant, Aaron Ellroy, and more.
  • For where to watch the Deep Blue Sea 2 movie, check for your region.
Deep Blue Sea 2 is one of the new shark movies from 2018.
New shark movies from 2018? Have you seen the sequel to Deep Blue Sea 2 yet?