So Bad It’s Glorious: Bullets of Justice is the Bacon Army Movie You Didn’t Ask For
Bullets of Justice should not be judged on absurdity. Could a horror film about mutant pigmen in a Bacon Army actually be witty & enjoyable?
Action movies feature chase and fight sequences, armed combat, explosions, and stunts as the main part of the production.
Bullets of Justice should not be judged on absurdity. Could a horror film about mutant pigmen in a Bacon Army actually be witty & enjoyable?
Triggered takes a bunch of teens, sticks them in the woods & straps bombs to them. Action movies with horror and bombs.
Bloody Hell 2020. An Australian horror movie from director Alister Grierson & writer Robert Benjamin. Poster, trailer, and movie review.
To Your Last Death – an animation from Jason Axinn. Voices from William Shatner, Bill Moseley & Morena Baccarin. Horror that’s bloody.
Alive is a South Korean zombie movie on Netflix. Should you stream it? Are all zombie movies created equal?
Imagine the Karate Kid movies mixed with Father of the Year & you have the basics for The Paper Tigers | Hidden movie gems in the niche of martial arts.