My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To, Not The Same Type Of Vampire Film
Dwight & Jessie look after their younger brother Thomas as he suffers through an illness that leaves a pile of bodies in their wake.
Horror Films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic. However, often some cause dread and, alarm while invoking our hidden worst fears. Often there is a terrifying or shocking finale which is both captivating and entertaining at the same time ending in a cathartic experience. Horror is not just jump scares and gore.
Dwight & Jessie look after their younger brother Thomas as he suffers through an illness that leaves a pile of bodies in their wake.
Vicious Fun is a horror comedy movie by writer director Cody Calahan. Joel accidentally infiltrates a serial killer self help group.
Great White is a shark movie made in Australia. Five people are stranded in a life raft when a shark forces them into the water.
The Amusement Park can be watched on Shudder from June 8th, 2021. A restored George A. Romero PSA from 1973 about the horrors of being old.
Caveat is Damian Mc Carthy’s directorial feature film debut. The movie premieres on Shudder on June 3rd & features a scary drumming bunny.
The Russian Bride appears like a B-Movie to watch to fill in time. Until the final act that is, watch it & get a cross between Crank & Rec 3.
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