Dark Nature, Movies With Trauma & Therapy
Joy escapes from a vicious relationship. Her best friend convinces her that a retreat in the Rocky Mountains will heal her Dark Nature.
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Joy escapes from a vicious relationship. Her best friend convinces her that a retreat in the Rocky Mountains will heal her Dark Nature.
Dan Gallagher is fresh out of prison after the murder of his lover Alex Forrester. In the Fatal Attraction series, he wants to clear his name
A home invasion that left Eva with battle scars forces her and her husband to relocate. Left alone in the new house there is Motion Detected..
The Renfield cast includes Nicholas Hoult & Nicolas Cage in a horror movie about the life of Dracula’s codependent henchman.
A kite passed down through generations turns out to be murderous opting to recruit more kites & go on a rampage. Killer Kites 2023
A group of YouTubers heads off to film inside a notoriously haunted local prison. But they aren’t ghosthunters. Hell’s Half Acre 2023 review.