Darlin, The Woman & OffSpring – 3 Disturbing Movie Reviews
Darlin was written, directed + cast in by Pollyanna McIntosh. A review of her films for Offspring, The Woman & Darlin movie reviews.
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Darlin was written, directed + cast in by Pollyanna McIntosh. A review of her films for Offspring, The Woman & Darlin movie reviews.
In 2011, Jaume Balagueró brought us Sleep Tight, a Spanish home invasion thriller. Lee Kwon wants us to relive the terror in modern times with Door Lock 도어락
8: South African movies. A horror story directed by Harold Hölscher in 2019. A slow burn fable, Lazarus made a trap for a devil.
Mystery of the Night aka Misterio de la Noche. A fantasy-horror film. Pinoy movies streaming now. World films from Adolfo Alix Jr.
Stare aka Siraysan premiered at Fantasia 2019. A Japanese horror movie where a woman with abnormally large eyes will kill you if you know her name. Momo?
Critters Attack! is the 2019 reboot of the original film. Driected by Bobby Miller & written by Scott Lobdel & Dominic Muir, are the Critters back?
Released on DVD, Blu-Ray and Digital