Bullitt County Movie Is A Hunting Drama
Bullitt County is a solid entry to action drama movies, 4 friends reunite & end up hunting for buried money in Kentucky. Starring Jenni Melear
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Bullitt County is a solid entry to action drama movies, 4 friends reunite & end up hunting for buried money in Kentucky. Starring Jenni Melear
I’m Just Fucking With You. Hulu’s horror series anthology — Into the Dark. April Fools Day’s a great theme directed by Adam Mason.
In Char Man, friends set out to make a documentary about the Ojai Vampire.
This is a found footage film from Kurt Ela & Kipp Tribble made with an iPhone.
I Trapped the Devil is a film from Josh Lobo made on a budget of $1 million for IFC Midnight.
The Silence movie on Netflix, directed by John R. Leonetti. The world is under attack by evolved dinosaurs + The Silence Cast & trailer
Starfish movie explained. An apocalyptic musical journey with a cassette ‘THIS MIXTAPE WILL SAVE THE WORLD’, Cosmic + Eldritch horror.