Shadowed Poster

While most of the world was forced to stay at home under the heavy weight of the COVID-19 virus, David F. Sandberg made a new horror movie. If you can’t place this writer-directors name, he’s responsible for one of my all-time favorite short films, Light’s Out. Shadowed is touted as a companion piece for the 2013 creepy short film. It stars his wife Lotta Losten who’s joined this filmmaker on a lot of his previous work.

The casting list also cites Sandberg himself in this tight little number and once you see it, you’ll see why that fact is kind of cool. Shadowed is a short film that runs for 3-minutes and is available to watch right now. I’ve added videos for both the Light’s Out movie and Shadowed so you can watch them back to back. If you hate both you’ll essentially only lose 6 minutes of your isolation time.

How to Film in Low Light and Other Filmmaking Tips

In the article which originated from Indiewire, Sandberg’s new horror movie has no budget. In truth, he made it in his own house. It made me increasingly curious in knowing how Shadowed got made because overall it’s a single location short that still looks awesome despite its homely look. Sandberg does have a YouTube channel if you’re curious and it features heaps of his other short films plus tips and videos on low-budget filmmaking. There is even a behind-the-scenes for this newest horror movie Shadowed about how to film in low light.

There is, of course, a creepy shadowed man in both the Light’s Out feature film and the short film, Shadowed, so if you’re looking for something to give you a little chill try these two films, up loud, in the dark, and on your best telly. The film itself was released on Twitter on April 3rd and will certainly bring joy to many horror movie lovers looking for something new to watch with all the postponements.

Watch Light’s Out Short Film, The Original Creepy Shadowed Man

YouTube video

Watch Shadowed Short Film

YouTube video
Mother of Movies score

Shadowed a Short Film From David F. Sandberg

Shadowed by David F. Sandberg New horror movies to watch.
Lotta Losten stars in Shadowed, a new horror movie for 2020

Comparatively, the Light’s Out short film is leagues better than the feature-length film which I did not enjoy at all. What I loved about the short film was its ability to take that one thing about being in the dark and turn it into something to be feared more than fear itself. Nevertheless, the 2016 full-length movie was enjoyed by many and currently has a 6.3/10 rating on Light’s Out is praised for the essential storyline and the use of jump-scares. Still, it’s a decent movie if you wanted to check it out.