You: A Dangerously Addictive Thriller That Keeps You Hooked
You series seasons 1, 2 & 3 are Netflix Originals & of a novel adaptation. The show is super binge-worthy. Is Badgley’s face different?
Discover in-depth analyses and critiques of the latest and classic films across all genres. Our expert reviews cover everything from plot and character development to cinematography and special effects and explanations. Whether you’re a casual viewer or a film aficionado, find recommendations and honest opinions that help you navigate the cinematic landscape. Dive into our film reviews and explore what makes each film unique!
You series seasons 1, 2 & 3 are Netflix Originals & of a novel adaptation. The show is super binge-worthy. Is Badgley’s face different?
Rust Creek. A college senior makes a wrong turn, a road trip becomes a fight for life in the wilds of Kentucky. IFC Midnight survival movies.
Tumbbad movie is a mythological story about a goddess who created the universe. Indian horror movies. Courtesy of Colour Yellow Productions.
CAM is on Netlfix. It’s also really good. The story follows Alice, a camgirl who wakes up one day to discover she’s been replaced on her show with an exact replica of herself.
Christmas horror movies starring Mrs. Claus are rare. Not the sweet little old lady we usually see, Mrs. Claus is the worst horror miracle
Vidar the Vampire (VampyrVidar) is a horror comedy. A Christian farmer falls in with the wrong crowd. World Cinema from Norway