4 Sci-Fi Netflix Films That Don’t Suck
Need sci-fi movies to watch on Netflix? Here are 4 movies to add to your queue that will show you a good time. Movies that do not suck.
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Need sci-fi movies to watch on Netflix? Here are 4 movies to add to your queue that will show you a good time. Movies that do not suck.
Say Amen (Saturday Night) 2018’s a song from Panic at the Disco. A horror music video trilogy with Brendon Urie at the front and center.
In 13 Cameras 2015, you meet Gerald, a grim & lascivious landlord who likes to watch. 2018 sees him return for the sequel— 14 Cameras. What’s he up to now?
The Night Eats the World movie – apocalyptic zombie movies. The story of Sam goes to a party and wakes up to find Paris invaded by zombies.
Vampire movies don’t come any better than Bloodsucking Bastards. Released in 2015 is this a horror film like Office Space with vampires?
Found footage horror movies filmmaker for “Unlisted Owner: an indie feature film review and interview with writer-director Jed Brian.