There’s a yowie or bigfoot or sasquatch if you please, in the bush and he lives in the Pilliga. But all that wanders is not lost and if you love an Australian urban legend you might find exactly what you’re looking for in There’s Something in the Pilliga. I rewatched it yesterday on, a new streaming service exclusive to Australia.
I ran into Dane Millerd in the social horror groups I frequent, and not realizing who I was talking to, blatantly slated There’s Something in the Pilliga film. Millerd is the writer, director, and producer of the film. Sorry, Dane.
Story Line for Aussie Classic Horror There’s Something in the Pilliga
The narrative for There’s Something in the Pilliga follows Dylan who is taking a break. It’s New Year and he decides to do a bit of cruising in the bush. Dylan’s a cameraman and both he and his friend Jay want nothing more than some girls and a drive in the outback. Everyone knows about the legend of the Pilliga but no one really believes it. Later, the two mates are joined by Liz and Tammy and they learn the hard way that sometimes traveling in groups won’t protect you from what’s out there.
Cast for There’s Something in the Pilliga includes Brendan Byrne, Leoni Leaver, and Rebecca Callander.

There’s Something in the Pilliga Movie Review
Basically, I am a massive fan of Wolf Creek (2005), another film in the essence of Ozploitation movies. The original release is a favorite of mine but the sequel made me want to throw spoons at the screen. Personal preferences just are what they are sometimes. For me, the sequel took the character of Mick too far into the territory of the comic characterization of Australians.
Similarly, this is something I disliked while watching There’s Something in the Pilliga.
As soon as Jay began talking I decided he would die at some point. That’s not a spoiler; a graphic death scene would utilize my disdain for his character. It’s also not a slight on his performance. He is quite good. I think his character is supposed to be unlikeable.
To put it another way, the acting of all participants is well-rounded. Compared to my lacking enthusiasm for Jay and his words, he pulls off this type of lad well. I also really enjoyed the beautiful scenery captured as they drove around. The cinematography is done by the same person who plays Dylan, the cameraman in the story.
Is There’s Something in the Pilliga a True Story?
Like any movie I review, I sometimes go hunting myself (on the internet). I discovered the original story had metamorphized quite a few times. In my opinion, some of the details got left behind. The film became confusing and I started to question things that should have been background elements.
Besides, it made no sense to put a timeframe on how long the girls waited in the truck (4 hours) or why they would start walking on foot after that long. There were a few other plot holes that took me away from the story for me. Seeing the police find the group easily, took away from how remote their location had seemed and made the area feel small. I was also displeased at the overused running towards the danger in the dark.
I loved the ending for “There’s Something in the Pilliga.” The end scene, for me, was what I wished the film had pinned the narrative onto. I would also like to see this story continue where it leaves off.
True Urban Legends from Australia

Review of an Australian Urban Legend, Bigfoot
Generally, one thing I hate more than anything in Australian film and television is when we get depicted as crass, ocker, singlet-wearing assholes. I am still surprised that Jay didn’t get punched in his second attempt at interrupting a sexual act. Not that Jay’s stereotype isn’t accurate, everyone’s seen a guy like Jay in their travels. It does make him overtly creepy because you don’t know what he is capable of. But that doesn’t make him someone I want to think of as a pillar of Australian culture. Again, not a slight on the film, everyone has their own pet peeves.
For one thing, those with an interest in localized folklore about the Pilliga Princess, The Pilliga Yowie, and Bongo and the Beast will get a kick out of this. Of course, I’m still on the hunt for a good horror movie featuring a bigfoot or yowie other than Troll Hunter.
I’ve lived in plenty of remote towns throughout Queensland. I even have an aunt who once lived in Rubyvale and had her own tales of a man she knew (Inky) who howled at the moon and lived in a humpy in the bush. She is also fairly crazy too.
There’s Something in the Pilliga’s Yowie or Bigfoot Facts
- Title: There’s Something in the Pilliga. I’ve seen some posters sporting the title Half Human.
- Director, Writer, Producer: Daneen Millerd.
- Release: 2014 at Monster Fest with a further release in 2018.
- Budget: $450K.
- Upcoming: Working on Blood Stain, a novel by Peter Lalor.
- Watch the title on TubiTv
I give There’s Something in the Pilliga
2.5 knickers on the bull bar out of 5
There's Something In The Pilliga

Director: Dane Millerd
Date Created: 2014-11-27 19:22