HAUNT 2019 on Shudder Mother of Movies Poster

If you’ve seen one movie about haunted houses you have seen them all right? Well right, but in this case, the rumors are true, and Haunt 2019 from Scott Beck and Bryan Woods is a solid and worthwhile entry to the subgenre of slashers in a Halloween haunted house. Who are your favorite scream queens? You may just find a new favorite right here in this film. While there isn’t anything brand new about this horror and thriller movie having Woods and Beck behind the writing certainly gave the narrative some game. This duo also wrote A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place 2. Haunt movie 2019 is worth watching for any horror and slasher film fan.

There are plenty of surprises to be found in this 92-minute film about a bunch of youngsters out on Halloween night. But for seasoned horror fans you might be caught thinking about films like Saw, Escape Room, and The Hills Have Eyes while peddling through this well-polished and nicely-handled flick. It’s almost as if the writers were trying to come up with an idea about where the family hidden in the hills might go in future generations. It would be easy to have all roads lead them here. Haunt is that kind of film.

Who is the Best Scream Queen?

The personalities on the roll call in “Haunt” are nothing special and feature your run-of-the-mill type characters. Katie Stevens plays Harper, with just as much ease and a similar look to scream queen Anna Farris. Fans of this type of horror movie will remember Stevens from Polaroid. Harper’s potent love interest is just as easy to watch in his slot as his character Nathan. I found myself thinking about Stevens as a notable final girl and Will Britain’s Nathan, who is equally as memorable as a contender for the race in survival.

What sets this apart from the everyday slashers is the story. Although, again, there are no gold stars for unique content; the narrative flows and interweaves well between its main stars and the people responsible for creating the background collection of sinister carney folk. To clarify, this is a labyrinth of death but you will at least get a story and sub-plot to go with it. Rob Zombie even had his fingers in one of the songs from the score. If you listen out for ‘Dragula’ performed by Lissie it was written by Zombie and Scott Humphrey.

A Dragula Song performed by Lissie, A Rob Zombie Cover (Haunt Movie Score)

Haunted Mansion Movie

With most of the characters in the ‘Haunt” movie being fleshed out enough to know their character, I grew to like them. The final act ties in well with the rest of the story but make sure you stick around right to the end.

I enjoyed the Haunt movie. To top it off, there are some great special effects to go with the standard fare of kids trapped in a maze scenario. Those wanting gore will find there is enough to go around with plenty of viciousness to leave you satisfied.

The Haunt movie is rated

3.5 get that hammer away from me out of 5

3.5 Skulls out of 5
3.5 Skulls out of 5
Mother of Movies score

Haunt Movie 2019 Trailer

“Haunt” is the cheapest on Redbox in the USA and the full 2019 movie released on September 13th. It’s available to buy on Amazon and you can stream Haunt on Shudder.

Body Count of Haunt 2019

Spoiler Section Open for the BODY COUNT

Who lives and who dies in 2019’s the Haunt movie. The 10 victims are:

  • Mallory (Schuyler Helford),
  • Angela (Shazi Raja),
  • Evan (Andrew Caldwell),
  • Bailey (Lauryn McClain),
  • Sam (Samual Hunt),
  • Devil Mask (Damian Maffei),
  • Vampire Mask (Justin Rose),
  • Witch Mask (Terri Partyka,
  • Zombie Mask (Schuyler White) and,
  • Clown Mask (Justin Marxen.)

It’s nice that the origins of these creepy clowns aren’t disclosed in full. But it’s the same reason I like to think of them as descendants of any surviving mutants from The Hills Have Eyes (2006.) I mean come on, there is a definite resemblance between Zombie mask and Beast.

Lauryn Alisa McClain, Andrew Caldwell, Katie Stevens, Will Brittain, Schuyler Helford, and Shazi Raja
Lauryn Alisa McClain, Andrew Caldwell, Katie Stevens, Will Brittain, Schuyler Helford, and Shazi Raja.