I heard Zombieland 2 was not a good movie. The first audience reactions didn’t seem to be particularly buoyant after its release in October 2019. It seems that either initial critic responses were flawed (it sits on a 68% critic satisfaction on Rotten Tomatoes) or the movie was. Which was it? Well, according to IMDb Zombieland 2 has a 6.7/10 rating followed by an audience satisfaction rating on RTs of 88%. You be the judge.
Mother of Movies thinks Zombieland Double Tap was great, I loved it. Criticism for the sequel centers on the jokes being bad, that it’s predictable, too many one-liners, or that there isn’t enough character development. All of these particulars are ones I disagree with wholeheartedly.
Zombieland 2 full movie is streaming online on plenty of platforms. To find out where to watch the Zombieland Double Tap sequel, scroll to the end.
Zombieland Double Tap couldn’t win with those who were less enthusiastic about the original title having a sequel. I would have hated to have been the scriptwriters for Zombieland 2019 trying to decide whether to push the boundaries or not for a sequel that took ten years to come. But the fact filmmakers had to change original plans for the narratives centered on the script picking up where the first film finished at least showed they cared. The storyline was altered to reflect the original cast getting older. And whatever changes they made turned out just fine.
I was also worried about the jokes for “Zombieland Double Tap”. Sometimes a sequel of a cult horror movie like this simply repeats the same lines that made it popular in the first place. And perhaps it was the J&B whiskey I’d poured that relaxed me to the point of continual giggles but come on, it was funny.
Movies to Make You Laugh Out Loud
Zombieland 2 had the perfect amount of old versus new mashup comedy. For starters, I adore Jessie Eisenberg, I think this guy can do no wrong as an actor and he’s perfectly suited to this type of shtick. Perhaps my adoration for Jesse makes me biased toward the enjoyment level of his films or perhaps he just selects awesome roles. One or both of those things are correct.
Another thing critics were unhappy with was character development. As far as that goes, again, I think they’re wrong, in my humble reviewer’s opinion. Emma Stone was still her tom-boy but beautiful self as Wichita. Abigail Breslin’s Little Rock brought a familiar coming-of-age vibe which is difficult to pull off in a setting like this. As for Woody Harelson, his sudden emergence as a father figure was great. It brought everything together as far as him giving two sh*ts about being a team.
Was Zombieland 2 A Fans Film?
Earlier in 2019, the “Breaking Bad” TV series released their version of a follow-up film for one of the greatest series ever with the “El Camino” movie. I’ll be the first to admit that El Camino is a fan film. If you were not a fan of the series it had little to offer. Me, I loved it. Therefore a fan. Suffice it to say, I am also a fan of the original 2009 Zombieland movie.
I needn’t have worried though, Zombieland Double Tap was fun. It was funny. Filmmakers introduced lots of new types of joyous lingo to refer to the difficulty level of killing certain types of undead. They leveled up Kill of the Month to Kill of the Year with the same amount of gross-out gore and style as the previous film.
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The movie’s core continuance was perfectly contained. Hell, Bill Murray was in the sequel too which was phenomenal to see. Introducing new characters Albuquerque and Flagstaff as mirrors of our current heroes was genius. Luke Wilson and Thomas Middleditch served as alternate universe competition for our current duo Tallahassee and Columbus. And they gave us a monster truck! I loved it. It was hilarious and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees. No, I won’t but I’m just saying…
Okay, so maybe this isn’t a film for horror-hating folk who don’t have a soft spot for comedy and gore in the same place. Still, watching the original 2009 Zombieland and the 2019 Zombieland back to back might just convince some to give this type of apocalypse horror a chance.
I even liked the pink fluff-bunny ditz the Zombieland Double Tap movie introduced. Normally, I despise fluff bunny roles like this but Zoey Deutch as Madison was good and her place in this universe fit nicely. I liked it all.
That is all.
Zombieland: Double Tap is rated
4.5 How to double-tap correctly out of 5

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How to Watch Zombieland Double Tap 2019
Where Can I Watch the Zombieland 2 movie?: