For the Sake of Vicious Poster

For the Sake of Vicious is not subtle. Its title is descriptive of its aim to be one of those violent movies you simply look for sometimes because you need a dose of angry spray.

The opening scene for this high volition action and horror movie sets up what is plainly a tale of revenge with a difference.

‘For the Sake of Vicious’ begins with Romina, a nurse. Lora Burke (Lifechanger & Poor Agnes) plays the generally disheveled and caught-in-the-middle woman. She finishes her shift on Halloween night and returns home to find a man crouching in her living room.

The man, who has broken in, is described as a ‘maniac‘ in the logline and, this unexpected visitor, Chris (Nick Smyth) is not alone. Chris thinks the second man, Alan (Colin Paradine) did something to his daughter.

For the Sake of Vicious

As the attending nurse in the hospital, she remembers Chris. Her connection to the events, though, makes her unable to simply let this slowly fading man just walk away. Before she can make any sort of resolution, a swarm of helmet-clad bikers moves in.

From here it’s a movie of mayhem and violent interludes that at times seems like it will never end. Without a lot to the story, For the Sake of Vicious bends under the weight of having no real idea who the bad guy is.

According to the director’s statement, For the Sake of Vicious holds no inherent deeper meaning. Like so many revenge films before it, this film chooses to have no distinguished sides until its closing scene.

Should to be rooting for Chris or should you start hoping Alan will make a clean but broken getaway?

The directors wanted to eke out their frustrations and make something that was surmised purely of anger and temperament. And everything within the film’s four walls is 100% practical effects, aside from the odd muzzle flash here and there.

Effects are tight and they are done well. Fight scenes are convincing and for all intents and purposes, serve the vision. Once you get past the the proclamation volleyball of innocence, its just running and blood spatter.

For the Sake of Vicious doesn’t want you to do anything but pick which side you want to be on early enough and see if you’re right while watching the carnage unfold.

As each man pleads his case to Romina will she save Alan or help Chris eke out his punishment?

For the Sake of Vicious movie is rated

3 good honest violent action movies out 5

Mother of Movies score
Violent action movies - For the Sake of Vicious 2020
Best Violent Movies – For the Sake of Vicious 2020

More About the Directors and Filmmakers of For the Sake of Vicious

Directors Gabriel Carrer and Reese Eveneshen teamed up to write the story and screenplay. For the Sake of Vicious is Eveneshens’ directorial debut. For Carrer, his previous films The Demolisher and In the House of Flies have a similar vein of vigilanteism and abduction.

The movie production company Federgreen Entertainment has another film on the Fantasia Film Festival 2020 line-up, Clapboard Jungle.

The Sake of Vicious is both produced and distributed by the company Raven Banner Entertainment and also has an upcoming thriller Come True on the festival circuit.

In addition, Fantasia Film Festival virtual edition marks the world premiere of For the Sake of Vicious. This title was provided by festival staff for the purpose of remote press.

“For The Sake of Vicious” is streaming online on the Shudder platform from January 6th, 2022.

The film is available as a rental on Apple TV in most regions. For details on how to purchase the For the Sake of Vicious DVD or For the Sake of Vicious Blue Ray or soundtrack keep an eye on the movie’s Facebook Page.

For the Sake of Vicious 2020 A voilent action thriller movie
For the Sake of Vicious cast includes Lora Burke as Romina and Nick Smyth as Chris. Violent action-thriller movies 2020.

For The Sake of Vicious Trailer

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