Run 2020, A Great Twist & Excellent Cast
You can watch the Run movie starring Sarah Paulson on Hulu in the USA & Netflix in Australia. A Mystery & thriller about a mother & daughter.
Where to watch the Run movie: You can watch it on Hulu in the USA and Netflix in Australia, Canada, the UK, and Ireland. We’ll be discussing the very big plot twist and why it became a plot hole for many of the film’s fans. Starring Sarah Paulson (Glass 2019) and for her feature film debut, Kiera Allen.
Sarah Paulson & Kiera Allen + the Run Movie Synopsis
Chloe is in a wheelchair and subsequently homeschooled by her very protective mother Diane. Chloe is a bright student, smart enough to be waiting on news for her college submission. Each day, her mother manages to beat her to the mail delivery and tells her there is simply no news. What’s more, Chloe thinks her mother is behaving suspiciously and begins to look into things that stand out to her. She looks for her medications, she tries to google things before the internet is mysteriously disconnected and she calls random people to fill in the gaps. The more Chloe finds the more she begins to freak out about what might be happening. And for good reason.
What brings this particular film to a pinnacle of above-average standards is the wonderful performances of its lead stars. Both Paulson and Allen who play Diane and Kiera respectively have wonderful chemistry together in Run movie 2019. Both are believable in the face of some rather big leaps of faith from writers Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian. For many fans, the fact there is a big reveal in the final half of Run didn’t slow their enthusiasm. I still really liked this movie despite it. I find the whole idea of Munchausen syndrome by proxy fascinating and completely bonkers all at the same time. Certainly, Munchausen’s is a mental illness many films have embedded into their premise.

Run Movie Spoilers and Movie Plot Hole Explanation
But let’s get back to the pin that unlocks all of Chloe’s greatest fears. The green pill that the pharmacist tells her is for dogs opens a whole can of worms. It’s easy to rationalize that Diane could have lied about having a dog. It’s not a big stretch that there was no dog in the movie either. The movie plot hole that opens up in this thriller true story is because when you give the thought a little extra time, it’s safe to say there aren’t many vets that are giving out medications for animals they have never seen.
Overall though, the Run movie is still a decent thriller based on the presence of a creeping doubt that Chloe obviously had for a while. Things just didn’t add up for her in many ways and her fight or flight reflexes began to kick in.
Watch this film if you love Sarah Paulson and love a good twisty thriller movie to watch on a rainy day.
Run movie is rated
4 dogs called Chloe out of 5

Run Movie Where to Watch
Where to watch Run movie 2020:

- Movies about Munchausen’s Syndrome: The X Files ‘The Calusari’ / Sharp Objects / The Act

Director: Aneesh Chaganty
Date Created: 2020-10-08 13:39