She's So Cold— Horror Poetry by Wordmachinist

She’s So Cold By Jimmy Ray Davis, A Dark Poem

Here at Mother of Movies, we’re all about talent. It takes talent to create movies, poetry, art, television, and everything in between. Jimmy Ray Davis is a poet who writes dark poems and generally writes poetry within various themes and topics. This time, it’s a poem about zombies and I like it a lot. Who doesn’t like zombie poems?

If you’ve ever wanted your poetry read out in a voice that was made for radio, you should know that Jimmy has found a niche. It is unique. Jimmy can read your poetry in a voice made for radio. Not an AI voice, a real one. By a real human. Check his work out on Facebook or TikTok. Put in a request for your work to be presented in a special way you’ll never forget.

A Dark Poem About Zombies

A Zombie poem, no less.

Jimmy has also started his own review site and now a poetry gig where he will read your poetry out online. I met Jimmy as part of the horror community and he runs a small group on Facebook. An intimate setting away from the judgemental soapboxes of some. Where all opinions are welcome and many a debate escalates but is never rewarded with a massive boot from the group. It’s nice. I like it. And I like the people in it.

If you want to try and gain access to this small but lovely group, feel free to reach out and place your name on the list. You can find out more about THE ORIGINAL REEL HORROR GROUP. Dark poems aren’t part of our daily routine, however, I like Jimmy’s dark poems and I wanted to share them with you.

Dark Poems. She's So Cold— Horror Poetry by Jimmy Ray Davis
© Jimmy Ray Davis the Wordmachinst. Can be found at #horrorpoetry

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