Nocturna 2022 Spanish language movie poster

Spanish Movies Nocturna Side A & Nocturna Side B

Nocturna Side A The Great Old Man’s Night, & Nocturna Side B, Where Elephants Go to Die. Two Spanish movies of the same story, split into two

Two Spanish movies joined together by a common theme and characters, told from different perspectives. Nocturna: Side A “The Great Old Man’s Night” follows Ulysses who is 100 years old. The theme of dementia, especially in horror movies seems to be a go-to for many filmmakers. Not out of step with that, this Spanish language horror movie fever dream dives headfirst into that world. Writer-Director Gonzalo Calzada’s intensely dark and emotive journey swirls in a time-bending first-hand experience. Channeling films like The Relic and, The Father we see through the lens of Ulysses as he looks back on decisions he has made and, memories he has suppressed.

Nocturna: Side B: Where Elephants Go to Die is a version of the same story narrated by the wife of the central character in the first film. This time we see through the eyes of Dalia. Dalia is not like Ulysses in the first film. She comes across as far more volatile, unforgiving, and ill-tempered. Seemingly the catalyst for much of her husband’s regret and isolation.

Nocturna: Side A “The Great Old Man’s Night” Movie Review

Ulysses has had a long life. At 100 years old he potters around his flat surrounded by accumulated things. The story is told in disorienting visions through the eyes of this man who has just as much to remember as to forget. He and his wife Dalia share what many aging couples ultimately face. With their independence slowly slipping from their grip, as much as they try, the everyday tasks they used to be able to do become harder and harder.

What I loved about the telling of this harsh and brutal narrative were the performances. In particular, the role of Ulysses played by Pepe Soriano captures the frailty and sadness of life with regrets. The cinematography in honing in on the finer points of watching him totter around as his feet shuffle to keep up was beautifully captured. Nocturna: Side A “The Great Old Man’s Night” movie doesn’t get straight to the point. Instead, the horror and thriller film chooses to return to come forward. Often showing one viewpoint before rewinding to tell the audience how we got there makes this a slow burn. The fuse wears down when the finality of the situation grows ever bright throughout the runtime.

Live a Life of No Regrets

Nocturna: Side A might feel predictable at times but I don’t think that matters when the tonal elements are where the meat is. Making plans for death. Asking for forgiveness before your time is up and the sins of the Father are all present in ways that creep up on you. Nocturna movie 2021 will lean heavily into the drama genre for most. However, there are enough topical supernatural and depressing themes to reach those who enjoy dynamic elevated horror movies.

Nocturna: Side A “The Great Old Man’s Night” is rated

3.5 sad old men out of 5

Nocturna Side A & Side B Spanish movies
Nocturna Side A & Side B Spanish movies

Nocturna: Side B: “Where Elephants Go to Die” Movie Review

Finally, after the first Nocturna film, Side B Where Elephants Go To Die was not what I was expecting. With a more experiential viewpoint than the opening story, I found this movie extremely hard to follow. Reminiscent of the style of a 1920s black and white film, the cinematography is etched in the on-screen aesthetics of that era. The narration from Dalia is more explanatory compared with events in the first film but even so, leaves more questions than answers.

Dalia was much more scared and hyper-vigilant than Ulysses and this is shown through an erratic and scattered viewpoint of many of the issues and themes in the other story. Where Elephants Go to Die is more enjoyable towards the end when the film moves back under the lens of the more likable character Ulysses and again captures the sadness of a life that ends after 100 years.

Nocturna: Side B: “Where Elephants Go to Die” Movie Review is rated

2.5 scatty old ladies out of 5

Where to Watch Spanish Movies Nocturna Side A and Side B

Released by Breaking Glass Pictures the double bill Nocturna: Side A – The Great Old Man’s Night and Nocturna: Side B – Where the Elephants Go to Die.

From January 18th, 2022 both films will be available on DVD and Digital online download. Check for these titles on iTunes/Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and Xbox. In addition, Vudu, Vimeo, DirecTv, and local cable & satellite providers will have the films to watch in your region.

Writer-director Gonzalo Calzada’s (ResurrectionLucifernia)

Nocturna: Side A – The Great Old Man’s Night; the cast includes Pepe Soriano and Marilú Marini, Desirée Salgueiro and Lautaro Delgado. The horror DNA website has a great movie review you might like.

Nocturna: Side B – Where the Elephants Go to Die; the cast includes Pepe Soriano and Marilú Marini.

Spanish Movie, Nocturna Side A & Side B

Nocturna Side A & Side B Spanish language movies
Nocturna Side A & Side B Spanish language movies