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Gone in the Night 2022, Disaster in an Airbnb

With the rising star of Winona Ryder over time, Gone In the Night is sure to be popular among her fans. From Heathers, Beetle Juice, and Reality Bites to her recent foray into Stranger Things, anything her name is attached to is bound to warrant some attention. Eli Horowitz and Matthew Derby wrote this mystery thriller movie with Horowitz at the helm as the director. Originally titled “The Cow” the story follows a couple, Kath and Max, as they head up to a remote cabin for a weekend away. In an Airbnb booking disaster, when they arrive late at night, they find that another couple is already inside and after a brief conversation decide to make do together until morning.

What to Do if You’ve Been Ghosted

When Kath wakes in the morning, there is no one in the house. She decides to have a look around and discovers one-half of the couple they stayed with, Al, alone in the forest. He explains he found his girlfriend Greta with Max, and that they were in love and had run off together.

The cast for “Gone in the Night” will convince you before you even start the movie that this could be the best film of 2022. But is it? There is no doubt what the film has to offer in gritty tension slowly ebbs away as each twist and turn is revealed. And there is plenty of that going on here. This particular film relies so heavily on subterfuge that by the end, I was a little down.

Gone in the Night Movie Trailer

Need a glimpse of the movie before you start to watch it? Check out the trailer for Gone in the Night 2022

Throughout the entire film, we are let in on what happened in the lead-up to Kath’s boyfriend’s disappearance. She wants answers, and simply can’t fathom she’s been ghosted after a year together. Kath calls the owner of the cabin, Barlow, feigning details to find some contact information for the mysterious Greta. Flashback after flashback shows the audience exactly who Max is but stops short of telling us what happened to him.

By the end of Gone in the Night, you can be forgiven for the possibility of being slightly baffled. While there are plenty of plot holes to pick away at, what the film lacks in attention to detail in the final act is made up for by being entertaining along the way. The big reveal and ending of Gone in the Night is jarring. It also feels rushed and without consequence.

Gone in the Night is rated

3 thrillers movies with twists out of 5

  • Eli Horowitz (Directorial feature film debut)
  • Written by Matthew Derby and Eli Horowitz

The Cast of Gone in the Night

  • The cast for Gone in the Night aka The Cow includes Winona Ryder, John Gallagher Jr., Owen Teague, Brianne Tju, and Dermot Mulroney. Distribution by Vertical Entertainment.
  • The film releases on July 15th in cinemas in the USA. For more options on where to watch Gone in the Night, see the link below

Where to Watch Gone in the Night Movie For Free

Gone in the Night Movie Ending

The Gone in the Night Movie Ending Explained, Spoilers

Gone in the Night Spoilers

Small moments are captured throughout that clue the audience into Kath and Max’s relationship. When they pull over to the side of the road, Kath looks into the rearview mirror and checks out her forehead. She thinks she looks older than her younger boyfriend. Throughout the flashbacks, we learn that Max yearns for his younger days too. Trying to recapture his youth, he ends up drinking with another even younger couple instead of going home for the night. Together they conspire to end up at the cabin with promises from them to take him to a concert in the surrounding forest.

While in the coffee shop, Kath and Barlow are interrupted by a former acquaintance. He discusses the genius-level science-worthy attributes of the now quiet man who runs an Airbnb. Barlow tells Kath he has a rare genetic disease and he is trying to develop a cure. Kath develops a small crush on Barlow after realizing Max has indeed left her for someone else. Through flashbacks, we are shown that Greta, Al, and Barlow are all in on it together and Al is Barlow’s son.

The Ending of Gone in the Night Explained

Kath visits Barlow at his cabin and while he gets firewood, she discovers Al is his son. She then finds some keys and unlocks a door that houses medical paraphernalia. She heads outside and discovers a large storage facility with Max inside hooked up to some kind of transfusion machine. Barlow explains he doesn’t have a genetic disorder but has instead found the “fountain of youth” and that Max is The Cow keeping him young. Both Al and Greta believed Max’s blood would save Barlow from dying.

Kath convinces Barlow that they have a future together and that she wants in on this rejuvenating treatment too. With Greta such an unstable and unlikeable character, she is set up to be sacrificed as Kath’s cow. But Kath escapes and locks all four in the storage container.

At the end of Gone in the Night, Kath is shown in a state of deliberation. Should she turn them all in or keep the cure for herself? She stays. This implies that the possibility of staying young is still on the table.

Gone in the Night movie 2022
Gone in the Night cast Winona Ryder and John Gallagher Jr. Courtesy of Vertical Entertainment
Gone in the Night 2022, Disaster in an Airbnb | Mother of Movies
Gone in the Night movie 2022

Director: Eli Horowitz

Date Created: 2022-02-03 14:48

Editor's Rating:


  • Winona Ryder and Dermot Mulroney


  • Predictable