If you’re looking for a witch movie that isn’t all fluff and fairytales, then Pyewacket is Adam MacDonald’s second feature film. It’s also dark, violent, and filled with an excellent cast. Some of the names include the Walking Dead’s Laurie Holden and Nicole Munoz. This is a film that will make you think twice about ignoring your angsty brat kid. Maybe she’s going through something otherwordly.
Parents Guide to Pyewacket Movie
Pywacket has an M 15 plus rating in most countries, however, remains unrated in the USA. While the film is not sensationally laden in gore; the themes are quite heavy. But what exactly is a Pywacket? It’s important to know the word came from the fact that witches can take on many forms. Their Pyewacket is what a witch can appear as, or in other words, their familiar.
- Director and Screenplay: Adam MacDonald (BackCountry 2014)
- Genre: Horror, thriller.
- Pyewacket cast: Laurie Holden (The Walking Dead), Nicole Munoz (Imaginary Playmate), Chloe Rose (Hellions), James McGowan (The Girlfriend Experience), and Eric Osborne (Degrassi). And let’s not forget the “Pyewacket cat”. He gave a good performance too.
- Release: Toronto International Film Festival in 2017. USA March 2018.
What Is the Movie Pyewacket 2017 About?
A teenager decides that dabbling in witchcraft because an author told her how to perform a blood sacrifice is a nifty idea. Did I mention that the spell she cast was to kill her mother? Every parent’s worst dream is when you’ve grounded your kid for being a twat.
A frustrated, angst-ridden teenage girl awakens something in the woods when she naively performs an occult ritual to evoke a witch to kill her mother.
It begins with you but ends in you. “
Quote from the horror film, Pyewacket

Is Pywacket Real?
I guess that depends on whether or not you believe in witchcraft and witches. If you do then the term can be related as far back as 1644. Most people believed in witches back then. If the answer is yes; then witches need helpers and their helpers were usually in the form of animals or creatures called ‘familiars.’
Dark magic and teenagers go hand in hand. MacDonald, the writer-director is what I consider a great storyteller. There is enough plausibility to not pick the film apart and the pacing keeps you guessing enough to keep your questions until later.
It’s easy to believe young Leah would take matters into her own hands when threatened. Leah’s mother is a threatening force to her universe. Aside from what most adults know are good intentions, she is stripping her father’s memory away by moving house. For a teenager, the piling up of grief is too much. Add a budding romance to her home town and you’ve poured fuel on a fire. It’s a very good combination to create tension that builds up like a ticking bomb.
Shadowy monsters are very effective and the one shown in this film depicting the Pywacket she has summoned creeped me out. It appears like a spider in the background. There is plenty of mystery surrounding this entity as well with many audiences speculating that Pyewacket is all in Leah’s mind. Has she simply regressed into her fantasies or is it all real?
Black Magic & New Witch Movies
Here, the reality of the story hinges on the black magic author; but he serves little purpose in opening the can of worms wide enough. We never get enough information to know whether the ambiguous advice is from his own experiences or whether he is simply the man behind it the fiction in it. His character arc isn’t wasted though and, his advice underpins the last act.
I liked Laurie Holden in this. She encompassed the mother mourning the loss of her husband well and again another relatable aspect if Leah is, in fact, her tormentor for the first few scenes. Holden’s demeanor fits the part extremely well, she simply has a warm inviting presence no matter what her character. A chameleon of her surroundings.
Is Pyewacket a Good Movie
Pyewacket is a film that would be an easy repeat watch. Just to lay to rest or further cement whether Pyewacket is real or just a figment of her imagination. Additionally, the ritual included towards the end of the movie was cool. My gripe would be that gash. That thing was overkill from little ol’ Laura. Even for someone practicing black magic. You are guaranteed to get demons spilling that much blood. Overall though, Pyewacket is a well-rounded movie worth your time.
Pyewacket is rated
3.5 Gaping arm wounds out of 5

Witch Movies – Pywacket Trailer
Where Was Pyewacket Filmed?
The whole film was made in Ontario a state in Canada. A homewares antique shop is seen in the Pywwacket movie and the real-life name of the store is ‘Homespun Treasures Store.’
Where to Watch the Pyeacket Movie
Pyewacket movie Where To Watch:
Pyewacket, It's A Witch Movie for Horror Fans - Mother of Movies

Director: 2017-11-07T00:05:00
Date Created: 2017-11-07 00:05