Blur Short Film Promises This 1 Demon Is Real And It Will Kill You
Australian horror & thriller movie about a demon that invades your personal space and slowly takes over your life. Blur is yet to be released.
Movies released in 2022
Australian horror & thriller movie about a demon that invades your personal space and slowly takes over your life. Blur is yet to be released.
Fall movie is streaming. A survival thriller about two friends stuck at the top of a very tall tower & have to figure out how to get rescued
Soft and Quiet is a movie that will not leave you feeling anything except disdain for our society. Especially if people like this exist.
A birthday celebration turns into a violent clash when intruders interrupt an already tense evening. Barbarians show what we can all become.e.
Kiddo spends most days as a companion. Sometimes she gets to go on the bus with the others who go to Wonderland. Kiddo is streaming on Alter.
The Grandmaster of KungFu follows a similar ethos to films like Ip Man & movies about Huo Yuanjia. Will the Japanese military win the fight?
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