Violent Night is My Number 1 Favorite Christmas Movie
Violent Night, cast with David Harbour, is Santa Claus. A man who has lost his “ho ho ho” tries to find it again with his Christmas Spirit.
Movies released in 2022
Violent Night, cast with David Harbour, is Santa Claus. A man who has lost his “ho ho ho” tries to find it again with his Christmas Spirit.
Darlene has been sober for 20 years, the same amount of time as her daughter has been missing. In The Apology, she is about to find out why.
Who Killed Santa? A Murderville Murder Mystery 2022 is streaming free on Netflix. A Christmas improvised movie starring Jason Bateman.
Notorious serial killer Clayton’s soul is brought back from the dead & put inside a Chistmas Tree. Now The Killing Tree wants revenge.
Dovvre Mountain is home to the folklore of Trolls. But are the stories just fairlytales? Troll was once a myth but now he’s been unearthed.
On The Edge is the Soska Sisters latest psychosexual horror movie. Peter is a family man who book a 36 hour session with Mistress Satana.
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