Deliver Us From Evil Takes A Dose of Assassin Led Crime
Deliver Us From Evil is a South Korean Action & Crime movie from the writer-director behind The Chaser & The Yellow Sea, Won-Chan Hong
Deliver Us From Evil is a South Korean Action & Crime movie from the writer-director behind The Chaser & The Yellow Sea, Won-Chan Hong
The Call is a South Korean crime & horror film by director Chung-Hyun Lee. Past & present merge in this time bending mystery movie on Netflix. Review by Daniel Hess
Sound of Violence written & directed by Alex Noyer follows a serial killer with a difference. Some kill for love, Alexis kills for her music.
The Happily movie, 2021 is a dark romantic comedy that follows Janet & Tom. Directed by BenDavid Grabinski, are some people just too happy?
Gary Oldman, Armie Hammer & Lilly Evangeline star in CRISIS. A drama, crime & thriller movie by Nicholas Jarecki about an opioid epidemic.
Nicholas Jarecki’s drama & thriller movie. Starring Gary Olman, Armie Hammer & Evangeline Lilly. Watch the CRISIS trailer on Mother of Movies