The Amusement Park Movie George A. Romero Restored After 46 Years, Was It Worth The Wait?
The Amusement Park can be watched on Shudder from June 8th, 2021. A restored George A. Romero PSA from 1973 about the horrors of being old.
The Amusement Park can be watched on Shudder from June 8th, 2021. A restored George A. Romero PSA from 1973 about the horrors of being old.
Proper Binge follows Buzz, a 30 something loser who lives with his mom & drinks until he passes out. Available now, watch it & go on a bender
The Reckoning is a drama movie directed by Neil Marshall (The Descent.) A convicted witch fights back against her accusers.
The true story of a small-town farmer taking on a large agricultural & food manufacturing corporation. Percy VS Goliath review by Daniel Hess .
Peaks and Valleys is a compelling drama movie set in the snowy landscape of the Alaskan wilderness. Directed by Michael Burns & on Amazon.
The Banishing is streaming on Shudder. A haunted house horror & thriller movie from Triangle director Chris Smith.
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