Murder Death Koreatown, A Mystery We Need to Solve
Murder Death Koreatown’s ending could be real. This is a found footage film that either has the best PR people ever or it’s a mystery we need to solve
Horror Films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic. However, often some cause dread and, alarm while invoking our hidden worst fears. Often there is a terrifying or shocking finale which is both captivating and entertaining at the same time ending in a cathartic experience. Horror is not just jump scares and gore.
Murder Death Koreatown’s ending could be real. This is a found footage film that either has the best PR people ever or it’s a mystery we need to solve
Yeon Sang-ho (Train to Busan) & Choi Gyu-Seok are working on a new Netflix drama adapted from a comic. Hellbound, casting + The Hell webcomic & animation.
Zombie With a Shotgun video game. If you’ve never seen the film, read the review, watch it free on TubiTv and Donate to Indigogo
This Underwater movie review contains the best Underwater movie quotes, information on the monster creature from the deep, cast & pics of Kirsten Stewart.
5 independent filmmakers decided to use the current pandemic to make an anthology horror movie. Watch The Isolation Horrors free on YouTube
After a successful original film, Brahms is back. Horror movie sequels are great, but is The Boy II, better than the original story?
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