The Dead Center, Indie Movie Gem With Scary Supernatural Moments
The Dead Center isn’t just another one of those possession movies with nothing new to add. Proven through solid writing & great performances.
Horror Films are unsettling films designed to frighten and panic. However, often some cause dread and, alarm while invoking our hidden worst fears. Often there is a terrifying or shocking finale which is both captivating and entertaining at the same time ending in a cathartic experience. Horror is not just jump scares and gore.
The Dead Center isn’t just another one of those possession movies with nothing new to add. Proven through solid writing & great performances.
Movies with great practical effects, gore & interesting narrative? The Furies will show you something different to hide your eyes from
Ghost in the Graveyard & Red Letter Day. New horror movies to get into for 2019, two movies, one review. Which one will you add to your watch list?
An anthology horror movie featuring some of the best short films, A Night of Horror: Horror Radio. Streaming On Demand and DVD
A vampire movie to sink your teeth into. The Shed by Frank Sabatella gives his take on tackling bullies with an 80’s throwback style.
Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2019 batches short films in categories. Mother of Movies takes you through the Home Invasion Collection.
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