The Call Review (Kol) South Korean Horror Gem
The Call is a South Korean crime & horror film by director Chung-Hyun Lee. Past & present merge in this time bending mystery movie on Netflix. Review by Daniel Hess
The Call is a South Korean crime & horror film by director Chung-Hyun Lee. Past & present merge in this time bending mystery movie on Netflix. Review by Daniel Hess
The true story of a small-town farmer taking on a large agricultural & food manufacturing corporation. Percy VS Goliath review by Daniel Hess .
Consider The Resort ‘the last resort’ as a late-night movie watch. A horror film by Taylor Chien about 4 friends on a haunted island. Review by Daniel Hess.
Acid is a dystopian & fantasy short film by French filmmaker Just Philippot. Watch this amazing slice of cinema on FILMPIXS. Review by Daniel Hess
Under The Lather (Sous La Mousse) is on FILMPIX streaming site for the best in horror & fantasy short films. Directed by Ollivier Briand.
Any Virgin Left Alive? aka Y a-t-il une vierge encore vivante? Is an erotic horror short film available FILMPIX. Directed by Bertrand Mandico.
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