“They’re Watching” Cheesy Found Footage Movies
“They’re watching” movie review. For a low-budget found footage film, you’ll need to strap on your cheesy movie-tinted glasses.
“They’re watching” movie review. For a low-budget found footage film, you’ll need to strap on your cheesy movie-tinted glasses.
Red Billabong (2014) is director Luke Sparke’s debut feature film & shows just how far you can stretch a budget. His second film is Occupation (2018.)
Need sci-fi movies to watch on Netflix? Here are 4 movies to add to your queue that will show you a good time. Movies that do not suck.
Horror & mystery Irish movies, Brackenmore follows Kate, in town taking care of business. Is there something wrong with Kate or the town?
‘Viral’ is a sci-fi horror film directed by Ariel Schulman & Henry Joost. One of my favorite virus outbreak movies & where to watch.
A virus spreads through a safari park turning zoo animals undead. Zoombies 2016 + sequel! Who was in the cast of Zoombies? Amazon Prime
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