Radioflash Movie, Doomsday Preppers & Survival Thrillers
200 million people are without power after a doomsday device explodes in Radioflash. Reese & her dad try to find a sanctuary in the mountains
200 million people are without power after a doomsday device explodes in Radioflash. Reese & her dad try to find a sanctuary in the mountains
Wounds is streaming. The follow-up film from Babak Anvari’s Under the Shadow. A bartender, a phone + mysterious events. Wounds spoiler review
The Dead Center isn’t just another one of those possession movies with nothing new to add. Proven through solid writing & great performances.
Movies with great practical effects, gore & interesting narrative? The Furies will show you something different to hide your eyes from
Ghost in the Graveyard & Red Letter Day. New horror movies to get into for 2019, two movies, one review. Which one will you add to your watch list?
Chilling and dark thrillers like In the Quarry combine interpellated notions about gender & violence into a satisfying movie time-passer.
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