Documenting the Witch Path - Official Poster Ryan Brookhart

One director I always have time for is Carl Sundström. His style and natural flair in previous works are simply outstanding. Recently, he made me aware that he had completed a full-length feature film, Documenting the Witch Path. Being a found footage fan, and also a lover of horror documentaries I was super excited to watch it.

Real Or Made-Up Horror Documentaries?

Torsåker held witch trials in 1675, the biggest in Swedish history. Sixty-five women had their heads cut off alongside six men all in one day. The details included in the film are mostly accurate. I can imagine that simply making a movie anywhere near a site like this would be a little bit creepy. So it’s no wonder the performances from the two who eventually set up camp can seem as scared as they probably were.

Sundström stars in his movie with a team of filmmakers who are also his friends. Alongside Nathaniel P. Erlandsson and Robin Franzén, they are all themselves and don’t don a fictional character. Together, they researched and investigated the history of witches and local gossip surrounding the fact that Witch Lake and adjoining Witch Path are now tourist attractions.

Documenting How Witches Came to Be

It’s not long before the group finds themselves at the mercy of warnings from tour guides. Even more peculiar, while referring to a map of the area, one tour guide is astounded they want to be taken to the real Witch Lake. Just weeks after opening the area to the public, it was promptly shut down. Something happened that no one wants to talk about, and now no one wants to return there. An alternate and safer Witch Lake was opened in its place.

Less like the traditional found footage film with shaky cam and viral curses, this film confidently maintains a documentary format and incorporates impactful soundtrack accents. The concise 58-minute runtime ensures that viewers remain fully engaged with the compelling narrative. Furthermore, the story’s commitment to referencing actual events effectively upholds a sense of realism.

Horror Documentaries From Terror Films

For me, I wanted more from Documenting the Witch Path but I enjoyed it never-the-less. The scenic views are beautifully shot. The third act sets up at night time at the lake and does a great job of making you think the climax you expect is coming. While I liked the unexpected finish of the film itself, the impactful gut punch was missing. The low tug of suspense was not strong enough to hold up the creativity of the finale. I was, however, glad no one decided to go running off into the wilderness in the darkness.

But I was also left mildly unsatisfied. Luckily, Documenting the Witch Path has enough good to outweigh this minor criticism. Add it to your watch list if you enjoy a movie based on actual events and not made-up real events. Watch it if you like found footage and documentaries. Well-produced and pretty to watch, this is worthy of a one-time watch.

For a video review of Documenting the Witchpath, check Geek Legion of Doom on YouTube.

I give Documenting the Witch Path

3 parish church bells ringing out of 5

Documenting the Witch Path
Witch Lake. Horror Documentaries from Terror Films.

Where Can I Watch Documenting the Witch Path?

Just so you know, this film is currently streaming free on TubiTV

Documenting the Witch Path movie - Found footage
Documenting the Witch Path movie – Found footage
Documenting the Witch Path Review

Director: Carl Sundström

Date Created: 2017-04-01 17:06

Editor's Rating: