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Best Short Films ‘Finally Alone’ Will Make You Scared Of The Dark Again

Finally Alone Short Film 2018

Carl Sundström is a Swedish director who’s been making short films since he was young. His latest film Finally Alone runs for 1 minute and 25 seconds and still manages to get a good grip on both narrative and visuals. ‘Alone’ is certainly one of the best short films Mother of Movies has seen from this independent filmmaker.

Storyline of Finally Alone Short Film

After moving into a new place, a man gets the unsettling feeling that he is being watched. Every night, as he settles into bed, a faint sound resonates from the darkest corners of his mind. He tosses and turns, unable to shake this eerie sensation that invisible eyes are fixated on his every move.

As days turn into weeks, the man becomes increasingly paranoid. Shadows appear elongated and sinister, innocent sounds are distorted into whispers, and even the gentlest breeze sends a chill down his spine. The once-comforting solitude of his new home has transformed into a labyrinth of uncertainty.

Unable to brush off his suspicions, the man embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the haunting atmosphere within his abode. He meticulously searches every room, peering behind furniture and inspecting every nook and cranny. Yet, his attempts yield no concrete evidence; only a nagging sense of unease persists.

In an attempt to find solace and perhaps even a rational explanation, he seeks advice from friends and neighbors. Some dismiss his concerns as mere figments of an overactive imagination, while others share their own unsettling experiences within the vicinity. The man finds himself caught between skepticism and fear, torn between trusting his instincts and dismissing them as baseless fears.

As the days unravel, the man’s sleep-deprived mind succumbs to vivid nightmares. Visions of shadowy figures lurking in the corners of his bedroom become a nightly occurrence. Desperate for respite, he seeks the help of a paranormal investigator, hoping for answers that elude him.

The investigator delves into the history of the house, unearthing tales of tragedy and mystery. Whispers of past inhabitants, unexplained disappearances, and unspoken secrets fill the investigator’s findings. The man’s fears begin to take shape, finding validation within the haunting stories of those who came before him.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, the man must confront the unseen forces that encroach upon his daily life. With each step towards unraveling the enigma, he uncovers the dark history that dwells within the walls of his new home. The journey to reclaim his sense of security becomes a battle against the unknown, a testament to human resilience in the face of fear.

Will the man succumb to his terror, or will he find the strength to challenge the mysterious presence that relentlessly shadows him? Only time will reveal the truth, as the man confronts the chilling reality of his situation and fights to regain his peace of mind.

Quick Film Info

What’s Finally Alone About?

As the film is not released to the public, I can only tell you a little about it. The story ends with a man talking on the telephone. He’s finally getting the last of his packing boxes movies into his new house. His conversation moves on to talking about how much he loves the new place.

Meanwhile, behind him, a light flickers on and off.

Despite the flicking light, he now feels much better.

Finally alone is reminiscent of the short film Lights Out.’

The film takes a turn at creating a little tension as it is obvious, that this new place is not so safe after all.

Watch the Trailer for Finally Alone

Best Independent Short Films

Finally Alone Short Film 2018. Best shorts from Swedish directors.
Independent short film, Finally Alone.

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